(A Government of India Enterprise)
Applications are invited for the post of Management Trainees.
- Post: Management Trainee : 35 vacancies
- Categoty : Technical : 25 (Mechanical/Production/Thermal Power-06, Civil/Structural/Concrete-10, Electrical/Electronics/Telecom/Electronics & Instrumentation/Computer Science - 06 , Naval Architect - 03
- Category : Non-Technical : 10 (Material Management (Stores & Purchase) - 03, Human Resources - 03, Finance -04
- Qualification : Technical - 1st Class Bachelors Degree in Engineering/ Technology in relevant discipline with minimum 75% marks from a recognized University/ Institute of repute.
- Qualification : Non-Technical - Graduate with 2 yrs. full time or 3 yrs. part time Post Graduate Diploma or MBA in relevant discipline from a recognised university/institution or ACA/AI/AICWA (for Finance) with 60% marks (55% for SC/ST candidates)
- Age : 28 yrs as on 01/03/2007. Relaxation in age as per Govt. rules.
- Stipend : Rs. 12000/- per month. On success completion of one year training, suitable candidates may be absorbed as Assistant Manager in the grade of Rs.8600-250-14600
How to apply: Type application in the prescribed format shoud reach to Chief General Manager (Human Resource & Administration), Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd., 43/46, Garden Reach Road, Kolkata-700024
Last Date : 24/03/2007
Application format :
- Name of the Post with Discipline :
- Advertisement Date :
- Name :
- Father's/Husband's Name :
- Address
- Permanent :
- Correspondence :
- Phone/Mobil No:
- Age and Date of Birth :
- Religion :
- Caste (Gen./SC/ST/OBC) :
- Physical Handicapped :
- Married or Single :
- Educational Qualification (Name of Exam, University/College/School, Year of passing, Class/Div. grade with percentage of Marks, subjects taken)
- Experience, if any (Sl. No., name of Organisation, From, To, Designation, Salary (Basic + Allowances, Scale) Nature of duties, Reson for leaving)
For further details kindly visit http://www.grse.nic.in