Ngawoer Thok Poko'e Isine
The Marine Products Exprot Development Authority proposes to recruit (a) state coordinators (Ornamental fish) in Kerala, Karnataka, Tmail Nadu, Maharashtra and West Bengal and (b) Research Assistants (Ornamental fish) in Kochi on purely contract basis for a period of two years for export development of ornamental fish schemes of MPEDA, organising training programmes and coordinations of various projects for the development of an export oriented ornamental fish culture.
Age Limit : 35 years as on 01/01/2007, relaxabale by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years or OBC candidates.
Educational Qualification :
Remuneration : State-Coordinators - Consolidated payment of Rs.15000/- per month, Research Assistant - Consolidated payment of Rs.12000/- per month.
Interested candidates may attend the walk-in interview on 12th April, 2007 at 08.30 hours at the following address and the candidates should produce the required certificates of age, qualification, community etc. for varification at the time of interview.
The Marine Products Export Development Authority, MPEDA House, Panampilly Avenue, P.B. No.4272, Kochi - 682036, Kerala ,Ph# 0484-2311979, 2311803
Fee : Indian Postal Order for Rs .50/- drawn in favour of National Aluminium Company Limited, Smelter Plant payable at Nalconagar, Angul
How to Apply : Complete application in the prescribed format should reach to The Sr. Manager (HRD) –Rectt., National Aluminium Company Limited, Smelter & Power Complex, Nalconagar-759 145, Dist:Angul (Orissa), so as to reach latest by 21/04/2007.
For further details alongwith Application Form format and other information, kindly see http://www.nalcoindia.com/Tender/lab_asst.pdf
Become a Junior Commission Officer (JCO) (Catering) in the Army
Applications are invited from male candidates only for recruitment as Junior Commissioned Officer (Catering) in the Indian Army who fulfill the following eligibility criteria :
Method of Selection:
How to Apply: Candidates are required to submit duly filled prescribed Application Form along with all required documents duly superscribed "APPLICATION FOR JUNIOR COMMISSION OFFICER (CATERING)" on the top outer coever of the envelope to the Headquarter Recruitment Zone of which the candidate is domicile.
List of Headquarter Recruiting Zones:
Last Date : Last date of receipt of application : 27 April, 2007.
Further detail regarding this entry scheme can be seen at http://www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. Application Form is available at http://governmentjob.googlepages.com/JcoArmy.pdf
(An Autonomous Organization under Ministry of HRD,
Department of School Education & Literacy, Govt. of India)
A-28, Kailash Colony, New Delhi - 110048
Special Recruitment Drive for filling up of posts of Principals under SC/ST category
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS), an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Govt. of India, invites applications from eligible persons for filling up 05 posts belonging to SC category and 15 posts belonging to ST category in the scale of pay of Rs.10000-325-15200/- in Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti on direct recruitment basis. The posts of Principal are for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, co-educational residential schools, located in almost all districts in the country. Out of these posts, one is earmarked for Persons with locomotor disability.
How to Apply : Apply on the prescribed form and send in an envelope containing the application superscribed in bold letters “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PRINCIPAL IN NVS" . Applications must be accompanied with attested photocopies of certificates in proof of age, qualifications, experience, pay scale and category, send by ordinary post only within 30 days of publication of this notification (published on 31/03/07) at the address given below:
The Assistant Commissioner (Pers.)
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Headquarters,
A-28, Kailash Colony,
New Delhi-110048
For complete details and Application Form format kindly visit here.
Fee : A fee in the form of DD for Rs 100/- drawn in favour of “Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited” payable at “Hyderabad”. (SC/ST/PHC/Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fees)
How to Apply: Please enclose copies of certificates in support of age/date of birth, qualifications, experience, caste, PHC certificate, if any, etc along with write-up on significant contribution made by the candidates, should reach the General Manager (HR) within 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement.
Complete detail alongwith application format is available at http://www.midhani.com/career.htm
7,Bhikaiji Cama Place
New Delhi 110066
Website: www.pnbindia.com
Punjab National Bank (PNB), a leading public sector bank invites application from Indian citizens for the 586 posts of Offocer cadre.
Important Dates:
Posts & Vacancies:
Reservation : JMG Scale-I (Gen-265, SC-79, ST-39, OBC-142) and MMG Scale-II (Gen-32, SC-09, ST-07, OBC-13)
Relaxation in Age : SC/ST- 5 years, OBC-3 years, Kashmir migrant -5 years, PH - 10 years and officers from rural bank-5 years
Application Fee: General & OBC - Rs.300/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PC candidates) Requisite Application Fee be sent by Demand Draft/Bank's Pay Order favouring “PNB Recruitment Account - MTs Project” payable at Mumbai only for Management Trainees and in favour of "PNB Recruitment Account - Specialists Officers Project" payable at Mumbai.
Selection Procedure: The selection will be on the basis of written test and interview. All eligible candidates will be called for a written examination which will be both Objective and Descriptive in nature.
How To Apply: Application complete in all respects should be sent only by ordinary post (Candidates are advised to send only one application in an envelope separately for each post on the relevant address)
The advertisement & application form is also available on the website of the bank at http://www.pnbindia.com/pnb_recruit.htm
2. On 03/04/2007 at 11.00 AM at RCI Office:
Details about the eligibility and other requirements, are available at the website at http://www.rehabcouncil.nic.in/walkinterview.htm. The eligible candidates are requested to appear for the walk-in-interview alongwith their testimonials in original and a copy thereof alongwith detailed Bip-data and two copies of attested photographs on the dates mentioned above at B-22, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-16.
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Advt. No.: BSP-425(Rectt.)/2006-2007
Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST Category for the post of Junior Manager (Finance & Accounts)
Steel Authority of India (SAIL), one of the Navratna companies in business of steel with an annual turnover of overs Rs.32000 crore, needs young, energetic and promising talent as Jr. Manager (F&A) for various Plant/Unit/Mines.
SAIL invites applicationf from eligible SC/ST candidates to join its management team as Jr. Manager (F&A) in the Plants/Units/ to cover the backlog in reserved categories. The posts are E-1 grade with the scale of pay of Rs.10750-16750/- and other allowances and benefits applicable to the grade. Salary revision is due from January 2007.
No. of Posts : 10 (SC-2 and ST-8)
Qualification : Graduate from a recognised university and should have passed the final exam of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India / Institute of Costs and Works Accountants of India.
Age : 37 years
How to Apply : applications complete in all respects should reach the Dy. General Manager (Personnel-Recruitment), Steel Authority of India Ltd., 16th Floor, SCOPE Minar, District Centre, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092 latest by 16th April, 2007.
Complete detail alongwith application form format is available at http://www.sail.co.in/SAIL_career_26march07_english.pdf.
Indian Oil
Refinery Division - Panipat Refinery
Indian Oil Corporation Limited, the largest commercial undertaking in India and Fortune “Global 500”. Indian Oil's Panipat Refinery is the most modern public sector Refinery equipped with the state of the art technology.
Applications are invited from bright, young and energetic persons of Indian Nationality for the post of Operator-D (PN)- 33 posts, Operator-cum-Technician-IV (Power & Utilities) - 08 posts, Technician-IV(Instrumentation) - 01 posts, & Operator-D (Quality Control) - 05 posts
Fee : General & OBC candidates are required to send a NON-REFUNDABLE crossed Demand Draft for Rs. 100/- as application fee drawn in favour of “INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LTD.” payable at Panipat.
How to Apply: Applications complete in all respects in the prescribed format should be sent by ORDINARY POST ONLY, superscribing on the envelope – Name of the Post with Code No. to Post Box No. 128, Panipat –132103 so as to reach latest by 24/04/2007 .
For complete details like educational qualification etc. kindly view the adveritisement, which is available at http://www.iocl.com/downloads/Panipat_refinary.pdf and Application Form is available at http://www.iocl.com/downloads/Panipat_refinary_form.pdf
(A Publie Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Railways)
Palika Bhawan, Sector-13, R.K.Puram, New Delhi – 110 066
Walk-in-Interview at 10.00 AM on 18-04-2007 (Wednesday)
IRCON INTERNATIONAL LTD, a PSU of the Ministry of Railways, is a premier construction company engaged in the construction of turnkey infrastructure projects in Railways, Highways, Buildings, Power sector, etc. IRCON invites applications for the following posts on contract basis at fixed all inclusive salary for its Aligarh – Ghaziabad Rail Project in Uttar Pradesh.
Send the application in the prescribed formatalongwith self-attested photocopies in proof of age, SC/ST/OBC, educational qualification and experience, either by Regd. Post or by hand to the Project office of IRCON at E-78, Sector-52, Noida (U.P.) – 201 301 so as to be received before 12/04/2007.
This information is also available on the website here.
Applications are invited to form panel from Indian nationals for the post of Trainee Sub Assistant (Support Services) - Security on contractual basis for a period of two years.
Emoluments: During the period of training the Trainee Sub Assistant (SS) would be paid a consolidated salary of Rs.5500/- p.m. and Rs.9000/- (approx.) on successful completion of training.
Test : The written test, comprising objective type questions, for the above post will be held on Sunday, the 22nd April 2007 at 10.00 hrs. The candidates will report for the test at 09.00 hrs at the following venue:
Kamal Sr. Secondary School,
D-Block, Near Mahindra Apartments,
Vikas Puri, New Delhi - 110018
How to Apply: Candidates fulfilling the above requirements as on 01/04/2007 may send their TYPED APPLICATIONS ON PLAIN PAPER as per the prescribed proforma by post alongwith a recent passport size photograph duly pasted on form and demand draft/pay order of Rs. 250/- (Not applicable for SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen candidates) in favour of IAL Airport Services Limited payable at New Delhi. The completed application form should be sent to OFFICE OF GENERAL MANAGER (PERSONNEL), INDIAN AIRLINES LIMITED, TERMINAL 1 (B), IGI AIRPORT, NEW DELHI –110037 so as to reach on or before 17th April 2007. The envelope should be superscribed in bold letters “APPLICATION FOR TRAINEE SUBASSISTANT (SS) - Security”.
Complete detail along with Application Format is available at http://www.indianairlines.in/scripts/careers/advertisement.pdf
For all the Posts mentioned above salary will be between Rs.10000 and Rs.15000 depending upon the merit of Candidate.
Your application should reach at following address by 9th April, 2007:-
A.R. (Establishment)
School of Open Learning
University of Delhi
Or you can e-mail your resume to:- myadav@sol.du.ac.in, madhvi_y@rediffmail.com For further details kindly click here.
Group 'B' Posts :
Librarian in Directorate of Education : Pay Scale : 5500-9000
Group 'C' Vacancy
Librarian in Directorate of Training & Technical Education : Pay Scale : 5000-8000
Teacher (Nursery) (Only Female are eligible) - MCD : Pay-scale :Rs.4500-7000/-
The ducational qualification, age, experience and other condition of the eligibility will be counted as on 02/05/2007.
For Application forms, Complete details, Scheme, examination schedule, General instructions, fee concession to specified categories of candidates and Syllabus of Examination for the advertisement no. 02/2007 visit the Board's Website at www.dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in or see Employment News dated 14/04/07 or click here to see the advertisement in the New Paper.
Remuneration package will not be a constraint for the right candidate. For further details, visit the websites www.mtnl-stpi.in or www.mtnl.net.in .
Hindustan Latex Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Registered & Corporate Office,
Poojappura, Trivandrum – 695 012
Hindustan Latex Limited is a Mini Ratna Schedule B Govt. of India Enterprise manufacturing and marketing contraceptives, health care products, pharma products etc. The Company with four manufacturing units and Marketing Offices throughout the country is poised for rapid growth in its operations.
HLL currently looking for performance driven professionals having successful track record for the following positions:.
Appointment to Post No.2 to 5 will be on regular / fixed term contract basis.
Other things being equal, preference will be given to SC/ST Candidates. Upper age relaxation will be given to SC/ST/OBC candidates as per rules.
Application should be sent in a sealed cover superscribing the name of the post applied forwithin 10 days of release of the advertisement (published on 28/03/20078) to EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (HR), Hindustan Latex Limited, Registered & Corporate Office, Poojappura, Trivandrum – 695012
All the details along with application form can be view from here.
Fee : Application should be sent alongwith non refundable Demand Draft of Rs.100/-(Rs.25/-for SC/ST candidates) drawn in favour of Tata Memorial Centre, Parel, Mumbai - 400012.
How to Apply : Typewritten Application superscribing the post applied for on the cover alongwith a recent passport size photograph affixed on right hand top corner with attested copies of all certificates should be forwarded to the H.R.D. Officer, Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai - 400012 so as to reach him on or before 20/04/2007
Complete detail is available here and Application Form is available here.
Fee : Application should be sent alongwith non refundable Demand Draft of Rs.25/- drawn in favour of Tata Memorial Centre, Parel, Mumbai - 400012.
Age : 35 years. The age will be reckoned as on 20/04/2007.
How to Apply : Typewritten Application superscribing the post applied for on the cover alongwith a recent passport size photograph affixed on right hand top corner with attested copies of all certificates should be forwarded to the H.R.D. Officer, Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai - 400012 so as to reach him on or before 20/04/2007.
Kindly view complete detail here and application form is available here.
Hindustan Latex Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Registered & Corporate Office,
Poojappura, Trivandrum – 695 012
Hindustan Latex Limited is a Mini Ratna Schedule B Govt. of India Enterprise manufacturing and marketing contraceptives, health care products, pharma products etc. The Company with four manufacturing units and Marketing Offices throughout the country is poised for rapid growth in its operations.
HLL are currently looking for Trainees as given below under the Training and Development Scheme of the Company.
(ADVT.NO.HLL/ HR/012/ 06-07)
Other things being equal, preference will be given to SC/ST Candidates. Upper age relaxation will be given to SC/ST/OBC candidates as per rules.
Interested candidates may send their Resume only in the format downloaded from the website with copies of Educational Qualification and Community Certificates along with recent passport size photograph within 10 days of release of the advertisement (published on 28/03/20078) to EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (HR), Hindustan Latex Limited, Registered & Corporate Office, Poojappura, Trivandrum – 695 012
Application should be sent in a sealed cover superscribing the name of the post applied for. Detailed Bio-data should be enclosed alongwith the Application Form.
Application Form (in DOC format) can be downloaded from here.
For further details regarding qualification, experience, General Conditions of appointment, Scale of pay and other allowances and mode of application, visit website www.hal-india.com. Applications (other than SC/ST/PWD) have to send a crossed DD of Rs. 200/- for the post Sl.No.1,2,3 and Rs.100/- for the post at Sl.No. 4 from any nationalised bank drawn in favour of "HAL Hospital, Bangalore" , payable at Bangalore along with the application. The last for receipt of completed application is 18/04/2007.
Madras Fertiliser Limited, a leading Public Sector undertking is looking for suitable candidates for following posts
Completed application form together with (a) Demand Draft or Banker’s Cheque for Rs.100/- for General / OBC candidates and Rs. 50/- for SC/ST candidates in favour of Madras Fertilizers Ltd, payable at Chennai towards Application processing fee and (b) attested Photostat copies of testimonials, community certificate, experience certificate, etc., superscribing the post for which the candidate apply should be sent to the address given below on or before April 18, 2007.
Details of Age, Qualification, experience, application form etc are avaialble at http://madrasfert.nic.in/rec07.pdf
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Bharat Electronics, India's Premier Professional Electronics Company invites applications from GRADUATE ENGINEERS (276 posts)
Engineering Degree holder in Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Telecommunication, Communication, Telecommunication, Mechanical, Computer Science, Computer Science and Engineering disciplines only from AICTE approved colleges / institutes / recognised universities may only apply. Engnieering Degree holders in other disciplines need not apply.
All the 276 posts are for BEL Units & Offices located in Bangalore, Ghaziabad, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Machilipatnam, Panchkula, Kotdwara, Navi Mumbai, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Vishakhapatnam.
Reservation and relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PHP will be as per Government directives.
Candidates meeting the requirements may visit http://www.aima-ind.org/belindia1/bel/ for more details and for applying Online from 28/03/2007 to 10/04/2007. Application submitted through any other means will be rejected.
2. Non-Teaching Posts :
for further information regarding qualification, experience, age, application fee and general instructions/guidelines etc. kindly visit University website www.ipu.ac.in. Last date for submission of applications is 30th April, 2007.
(A Publie Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Railways)
Palika Bhawan, Sector-13, R.K.Puram, New Delhi – 110 066
Kindly refer two advertisements of the IRCON International Ltd. published for Recruitment of Finance Professionals (one was special drive for SC/ST and other for General). These ads were bulshed on this blog also viz; http://sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com/2007/02/special-recruitment-for-finance.html and http://sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com/2007/02/recruitment-of-finance-personnel-in.html . The no. of these advertisements were 01/2007 and 02/2007 respectively. There is now some changes in the (corrigndum) as belows:
The dates of walk-in-interviews as notified (advt. no. 01/2007) also being resheduled
The last date for filled in application for the post of MGR, AM & SO(Fianance) (UR & OBC vacancies in advt. no. 02/2007) has been extended upto 16/04/2007. Other condition will be same.
This information is also available on the website http://www.irconinternational.com
Candidates having experience in power sectow will be preference. computer knowledge is a must. Relaxation of age and experience shall be given to the deserving internal candidates of NESCO/ WESCO/ SOUTHCO. Internal candidates shall have to apply thorough proper channel.
willing candidates meeting the above eligibility may apply superscribing the post applied for on the the envelope along with the Xerox copy of certificates and a recent passport size photograph within 15 days of issues of this advertisement to the following address (published on 27/03/2007)
Chief Executive Offcer,
123, Sector-A, Zone-A,
Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar-10
Application from candidates of all categories will be considered for the above posts except post at Sr.No.3 and 5. Please visit website www.sndt.ac.in for more information.
Eligibility and Qualifications: Engineer-MBAs, Post-Graduates in Engineering, Science and/or Social Sciences. Candidates with M.Phil / Ph.D. and/or work experience (minimum 3 years) could be considered for faculty positions. Experience professionals willing to join lien/ subbatica/ deputation are welcome. In such cases, application should be routed through proper channel. Good communication skill (spoken and written) - Essential.
Activities of Work : Research, Consulting and Training of Practicing Managers / Scientists.
Place of Posting : Currently Hyderabad and Delhi. Candidates may indicate their preference. Should be willing to travel within the country.
Salary & Benefits : On the pattern of UGC scales. Negotiable. Due encouragement given for persuing Ph.D.
How to Apply: Please visit the website http://www.asci.org.in/jobs.html and then apply to the Registrar, superscribing "Application for CPPG / CIT Centres" to reach ASCI by 10th April, 2007 or email to registrar@asci.org.in
The details of project available at the project's website www.apwaterreforms.in . Interested induvidual may send their application ONLINE in the prescribed format in the above said website latest by 13th April, 2007. For further details please contact A.Suresh, Deputy Executive Engineer, O/o Commissioner, CAD, Hyderabad (mobile 9866559082)
Qualification : As per UGC norms
Pay Scales : (Vidyapeeth reserves the right to offer higher/ lower grades/ starts.)
Vacancy Notification
Applications on the prescribed form are invited for the following posts so as to reach the Registrar on or before 20th April, 2007.
Prescribed application forms and other details like required qualifications etc. can be obtained from Assistant Registrar (Forms and Stationery), University of Jammu, Jammu from 25th March, 2007 personally on payment of Rs. 200/- or by sending crossed Indian Postal Order or Bank Draft worth Rs. 250/- (if required by post) drawn in favour of the Registrar, University of Jammu, Jammu-180006 encashable at Jammu Post Officel Bank as the case may be.
For further details like qualification, age, application forms etc please see the complete advertisement at http://www.jammuuniversity.in.
(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research)
Jamshedpur - 831007
Advertisement No. 1 /2007
National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML), a constituent unit of CSIR, requires young and bright candidates in the area of metallurgy/ materials science/ chemical/ mineral/ mechanical/ physicas/ chemistry/ biotechnology for following positions in its scientific cadre :
Relaxation in age limit maximum upto 5 years and 3 years in respect of SC/ST and OBC candidates respectively.
How to Apply : Application form can be had from the office of the Controller of Administration, National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur - 831 007 in person or by sending a request for issue of an application form, along with a self addressed envelope of the size of 23x11 cms. affixed with postage stamps of Rs 10/-. Application form can also be downloaded from the website at any time until the last date of receiving the same. However, request for issue of application forms will be received only upto 30-04-2007. Applications complete in all respects, supported by attested copies of certificates of educational qualifications, marksheets, experience certificates, community/category certificate (SC/ST/OBC/PWD etc.) along with crossed D.D. for Rs.100/- drawn in favour of the Director, National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur - 831 007 payable at State Bank of India, NML Branch, Jamshedpur should be sent to The Controller of Administration, National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur - 831007 so as to reach on or before 11/05/2007. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD categories and departmental candidates (CSIR Labs./Inst.) need not pay any application fee.
Complete advertisement is available at http://www.nmlindia.org/recruitment.html and application form is available here.
Degree holders will be given preference over Diploma holders.
Applications containing details of the post applied for name, dete of birth, address, qualifications whether SC/ST/OBC, attested copy of mark sheet shall be accepted on 02/04/2007 from 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM in the office of the Director (Medical Services), NDMC, Chark Palika Hospital, Moti Bagh, New Delhi-110021. The interview will be held at 11.30 AM onwards on the same day. The list of of selected candidates wiil be displayed on the Notice Board of Charak Palika Hospital, Moti Bagh, New Delhi.
Relaxation in age shall be admissible for entitled categories as per Govt. of India rules. All the positions of Project Assistant are purely temporary and on contract basis which are tenable for the duration of the projects only. Hindi may be used as a medium of conversation during the interview
The Application Form is available at http://www.nmlindia.org/download/NMLFORM.pdf.