Allahabad-211002 (UP)
(Estd. by Parliament by notification No. 26 of year 2005)
Advertisement No. AO-02/2007
- Finance Officer : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.16400-22400/-
- Controller of Examinations : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.16400-22400/-
- Deputy Registrar : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.12000-18300/-
- Assistant Registrar : 04 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.8000-13500/-
The post of Finance Officer is being advertised on behalf of MHRD, Govt. of India and the post shall continue up to June 29, 2009. Appointment to the post can also be on standard deputation terms.
How to Apply : The duly filled in application form, complete in all respects along with a demand draft of Rs. 200/- and Rs.100/- (for SC/ST candidates) drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, University of Allahabad obtained from any Nationalized Bank payable at Allahabad must reach the Registrar, University of Allahabad, Allahabad-211002 (U.P.) on or before 6th August, 2007. A separate application is required to be submitted for each post with separate application fee for each application.
For further details please visit http://www.alldunivpio.org/AO_02_2007.htm and Application Form is available at http://www.alldunivpio.org/pdf/AO_02_2007_Form.pdf