Specialist Officers Recruitment in SBI

Central Recruitment & Promotion Department

Advertisement No.: CRPD/SCO/2007/02


Central Recruitment and Promotion Department, State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, Mnumbai invites applications from Indian citizens for engagement on contractual basis in the following Specialist Officers positions in State Bank of India and its Associate Banks. The number of vacanices including reserved vacancies as mentioned below are provisional and may vary according to the actual assesment of the Bank.

  • Technical Officer-Farm Sector : 50 posts (Gen-25, SC-9, ST-4, OBC-12)
  • Marketing & Recovery Officer-Farm Sector : 768 posts (Gen-456, SC-130, ST-70, OBC-112)


  • Technical Officer-Farm Sector : 8 post (Gen-3,SC-1,ST-1,OBC-3)
  • Marketing & Recovery Officer-Farm Sector : 92 posts (Gen-49,SC-13,ST-6, OBC-24)

Emoluments : For Post of Technical Officer-Farm Sector - Rs. 2.00 lac p.a. of which 80% will be fixed pay and 20% will be variable pay and for the posts of Merketing & Recovery Officer-Farm Sector - Rs. 1.50 lac p.a. of which 80% will be fixed pay and 20% will be variable pay

Qulification :

  • For Technical Officer-Farm Sector : As on 01/07/2007, the candidate should be a Post Graduate from a recognized University in the discipline mentioned in the chart above with minimum 70% Marks (65% for SC, ST and PH candidates). Post Graduates of 2004 and subsequent batches only need apply.
  • For Marketing & Recovery Officer-Farm Sector : As on 01/07/2007, the candidate should be an Agriculture Graduate from a recognized University with minimum 70% Marks (65% for SC, ST and PH candidates). Graduates of 2004 and subsequent batches only need apply.

Age : As on 01/07/2007, the candidate should be minimum of 21 years age and maximum 30 years (Relaxation in upper age limit to reserved category candidates as per Govt. guidelines).

Application Fee : Fee + postage is payable by a single Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque (as applicable) only, favouring ‘STATE BANK OF INDIA’ of Rs. 250/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen). For post for SBI only, the draft should be made payable at a branch located at the centre where the local Head of the Bank is located for which you are applying. For Post for Associate banks of SBI, it should be payable at MUMBAI. Candidate’s name, post applied for and date of birth should be written on the reverse of the Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque.

How to Apply : For the candidate applying for the posts in SBI, apply to the Regional SBI Circle (address list is given in the advertisement) and for those those who are applying for vacancies in Associated bank of SBO, should apply to Post Bag No.9966, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021. Application should be in the prescribed format and should be sent thru ordinary post only. Separate application should be submitted for each post with requisite fee for that post. Application should be sent in a cover superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE position OF ______________________________” to reach the address as given in the chart
related to the post.

Last date : Applications complete in all respects should reach the address given in the post related chart on or before 06/08/07.

For fusrther information and Application Form format, kindly read the document provided at State Bank of India website at http://sbi.co.in/viewsection.jsp?lang=0&id=0,15,110 . All the details are available. Corrigendum to the above advertisement is available at http://www.sbi.co.in//uploads/files/1183627717015-sbi-corrigendum-eng-15x12.pdf

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