Recruitment in Income Tax Appellate Tribunal

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up vacancies of Senior Private Secretaries (PS) (Group B Gazetted) in the pay scale of Rs.7500-12000 on Deputation/Absorption basis failing which by Direct Recruitment and Private Secretaries (PS) (Group B Gazetted) in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500/- by Direct Recruitment at the various Branches of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal:

  • Senior Private Secretaries : 15 posts (SC-05,ST-04,OBC-06)
    • Qualification : Deputation - Officers under the Central/State Government (i) holding analogous post on regular basis or (ii) with three years regular service in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 or equivalent. (iii) Possessing a speed of 120 wpm in English shorthand and must have working knowledge of computers. (iv) maximum age limit 56 years
    • Qualification - Direct Recruitment : (i) Degree of a recognised University or equivalent (ii) A speed of 120 wpm in English shorthand (iii) Working knowledge of computers with ability to operate upon softwares like MS Office or Page Makes etc. (iv) age not more than35 years (relaxation as per Govt. orders)
    • Mode of Selection by Direct Recruitment - Written test of 200 marks (objective type of 3 hrs duration comprise of GK - 50 marks, English-50 marks, English Essay - 50 marks, Reasoning Aptitude - 50 marks), Skill Test (Stenography Test) of 100 marks
    • Period of Probation will of 2 years
  • Private Secretaries : 20 posts (SC-06, ST-03, OBC-11)
    • Qualification : (i) Degree of a recognised university (ii) A speed of 120 wpm in English shorthand (iii) working knowledge of computer with ability to operate upon the software like MS Office etc. (iv) Age not exceeding 35 years (relaxation as per Govt. rules) as on last date of submission of application.
    • Mode of Selection - Written test of 100 marks (objective type of 2 hrs duration comprise of GK - 50 marks, English-50 marks), Skill Test (Stenography Test) of 100 marks
    • Period of Probation will of 2 years

Applications in the following format should reach Sri J.S.Chhilar, Registrar, Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, 11th Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003 within 30 days (i.e. up to 06/08/2007) of publication of this advertisement along with attested copies of mark sheets/certificates etc.

1. Post of which applied 2. Date of Publication of advertisement (07/07/07) 3. Name of candidate (in block letters) 4. Father's/Husband's Name 5. Category (SC/ST/OBC) 6. Nationality 7. Date of Birth 8. Age on closing date 9. Date of retirement (for employed person) 10. Present Postal Address 11. Permanent Address 12. Educational Qualification (10th onwards) in the columns Sl. No., Name of Examination, University/Board, Year of Passing, Subjects, Percentage of Marks 13. Experience 14. Details of employment in chronological order (enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature, if necessary) 15. Total emoluments per month now being drawn 16. Additional information, if any, which, you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post 17. list of enclosures 18. Declaration - I hereby declare/certify that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found suppressed/false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after the examination, my candidature/appointment is liable to be canceled at any stage of my recruitment.

Date Place Signature of Candidate

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