Empanelment of Instructors in Delhi Govt.

Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Muni Maya Ram Marg, Near TV Tower,
Pitampura - Delhi - 110088

Applications are invited from eligible persons for empanelment as Instructors on full time contractual basis for conducting Theory & Practical classes in the Government Industrial Training Institutes under this Department, in the following Engineering & Non Engineering trades:-

Engg. Trades :

  1. Computer Hardware & Networking
  2. Dent Beating & Spray Painting
  3. D/M – Civil
  4. D/M – Mechanical
  5. Engg. Drawing
  6. Electronics Mechanic
  7. Electrician
  8. Instrument Mechanic
  9. Machinist
  10. Motor Mechanic
  11. Refrigeration & Air Condition
  12. Steel Fabrication
  13. Surveyor
  14. Wireman
  15. Welder
  16. Workshop Calculation & Science

Non-Engg. Trades :

  1. Computer Operator & Programming Assistant [COPA]
  2. Desk Top Publishing [DTP]
  3. Call Centre Assistant
  4. Data Entry Operator
  5. Front Office Assistant
  6. Event Management Assistant
  7. Office Mechanic Operator
  8. Fashion Technology
  9. Dress Designing/ Dress Making
  10. Social Studies
  11. I. T. Primer
  12. Secretarial Practice
  13. Stenography (Hindi)
  14. Digital Photography
  15. Interior Decorator & Design

Engagement shall be purely on contractual basis and can be terminated at any time without any notice. Details regarding vacancies, qualification, remuneration etc. are available on the notice board of the Directorate of training & Technical Education, Near T.V. Tower, Pitampura, Delhi-88 and on TTE's official website at http://tte.delhigovt.nic.in/APP-ITI.doc.

The remuneration payable is as under and will be paid after completion of 89 days of work :

  1. For Engg. and Non-Engg. Trades : Rs. 7500/- P.M.
  2. For Stenography (English/Hindi) : Rs. 7000/- P.M.
  3. For Social Studies and I.T. Primer : Rs. 6500/- P.M.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications at Room No. 203, 2nd floor, Department of Training & Technical Education, Muni Maya Ram Marg, Near T.V. Tower, Pitampura, Delhi-110088 latest by 17/07/2007 in the prescribed format.

Details of educational qualification, work experience and other qualification required of prospective applicants alongwith Application format is available on the website at the document http://tte.delhigovt.nic.in/APP-ITI.doc

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