Walk-in-Interview in CCS University Meerut

Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut (UP)
Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engg. & Tech.
Website : http://www.ccsumerrut.org


Applications on plain paper are invited for the following posts in Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engg. & Tech., the campus institute of CCS University at Jail Chungi, Meerut. Attested photo copies and orignals of all qualificaitns/ experience certificates and DD of Rs. 500/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST category) for Faculty Posts and Rs.300/- (Rs.200/- for SC/ST category) for all other posts in favour of FC, CCS University, Meerut must accompany the application. Candidate to Walk-in for Interviews at 10 AM on dates mentioned against posts in the office of the Director of the Institute alongwith applicaitons and documents:
  1. Director : An eminent person with qualification as per AICTE norms, interview on 12th June 2007.
  2. Faculty Positions : Professors, Readers and Lecturers in EI, EC, CS, ME, IT and Agri. Engg. discipline, Lecturers in Chemistry, and English., interivew on (a) EC and EI on 14th June 2007 (b) CS and IT on 15th June 2007 (c) ME and AG on 16th June 2007 (d) Chemistry and English 18th June 2007
  3. Lab Assistants : in EI, CS and Agri. Engg. , Qualification : ITI with 3 years experience or Diploma with 2 years experience. For ME - diploma in Me or Auto CAD specialist, interview on 26 June 2007
  4. Account Assistant : BCA/DCA with atleast 3 years experience in preparing salary bills. Preference will be given to candidates with Masters Degree., Interview on 20 June 2007.
  5. Lab Attendants : Inter Science (PCM/ Agriculture), interview on 19th June 2007.
  6. Tractor & Bus Drivers: Valid license with 5 years experience, interview on 19th June 2007.
  7. Carpenter : 5 year experience, interview on 19th June 2007.

Qualification for all faculty as per AICTE norms.

Salary - for all posts : Negotiable (Candidates with higher qualifications and experience will be given due consideration)

Note :

  1. All posts on contrac basis.
  2. Maximum age for Faculty - 65 years. Retired persons can also apply.
  3. Reservation as per UP Govt. rules.
  4. No. of posts may increase/decrease at the descrition of the University.
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