Vacancies in Gail Auraiya

GAIL (India) Limited

(A govt. of India Undertaking)
Pata, Distt. Auriya-206241 (UP)

GAIL is looking for following personnel
  • Technician (Mechanical/Electrical) Grade S-3 , Qualification : 10+2 with ITI/NCTV in the relevant branch in Mechanical / Electrical or B.Sc. in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics with at least 55% marks, Experience : 01 year experience in Chemical/ Petrochemical / Fertiliser/ Refinery Plant of repurte.
  • Field Operator (Bioler operation/ HRSG Operation/ Furnace Waste Heat Operations) Grade S-3 , Qualification : High School with ITI and 1st Class/2nd class Proficiency Certificate in Bioler Operation & Maintenance, Experience : 01 year experience in Chemical/ Petrochemical / Fertiliser/ Refinery Plant of repurte.
  • Turbine Operator (STG Operation / Plant Operator) Grade S-3 , Qualification : B.Sc. in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics with at least 55% marks or 10+2 with ITI or NCVT, Experience : 01 year experience in Chemical/ Petrochemical / Fertiliser/ Refinery Plant of repurte.

Age : 30 years , age relaxation upto 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC. Other relaxation as per Govt. rules.

Compensation : Technician : Rs. 5100/- open ended, Field, Turbine and Plant Operator : Rs.5100/- open ended

Application should be accompanied by by a non-refundable cros DD of Rs.50/- in favour of "GAIL (India) Ltd., Pata" payable at SBI, PATA (1937). Name of the candidate should be neatly indicated on the reverse of the DD (No fee from SC/ST/PH candidates.

Candidates fulfilling the criteria should submit their application giving details (i) Post applied for (2) Name of the candidate (3) Date of birth (4) Parent/Spuse name (5) whether belongs to (i) category SC/ST/OBc/Gen (ii) Sub-Category - PH/Ex-servicemen (6) Mailing address with pin code, phone number with STD code (7) Qualification viz name of exam passed, university/ Institute, month and year of Passing, percentage of marks obtained and duration of course (8) details of work experience viz name of organisation, Post held, period (from.. to..), nature of job, Pay Scale, total experience and salary drawn (9) Email Address (10) DD details . The envelope should be superscribed with GAIL Advt. No. G-4/2007 and Name of the post applied for on the left top corner.

Application along with attested copies of certificeates and and a recent passpor size photograph shoul be forwardedthrough ordinary post to Senior Manager (HR), Gail (India) ltd. PO Pata, distt. Auriya, UP-206241 so as to reach within 15 days of publication (publishedo n 23/06/2007)

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