Recruitment of Registrars in NIT Kurukshetra


Advertisement No. 11/2007

Applications in prescribed form are invited from Indian Nationals for the permanent posts of Deputy Registrar (Academic), Deputy Registrar (Accounts) & Deputy Registrar (General Administration & Legal) in the pay scale of Rs.8000-13500/-.

Application Forms and other instructions can be had from 05/06/2007 from the office of the Assistant Registrar (GA) on payment of Rs.200/- by cash or by sending a Crossed Bank Draft for Rs.250/- drawn in favour of Director, NIT, Kurukshetra payable at SBI, NIT, Kurukshetra (Code No.6260) alongwith a Self Addressed envelope (23x10 cm). Maximum age limit is 50 years. The applications should reach the Assistant Registrar (GA), NIT, Kurukshetra-136119 on or before 06/07/2007 by 5.30 PM.

A bank draft for Rs.200/- towards application fee be invariably sent along with such applications.

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