Recruitment of Junior Residents in AIIMS

Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110 029.

Advertisement N0.No.F.7/2007-Acad.I

Applications for the Selection of Junior Resident (Non-Academic) at AIIMS.

The Junior Resident (Non-Academic) is available in the following departments upto 31st December, 2007..

  1. Emergency Medicine : 51 posts
  2. Trauma Centre : 10 posts
  3. Paediatrics (Casualty) : 05 posts
  4. EHS : 03 posts
  5. Blood Bank : 02 posts
  6. Radiotherapy : 06 posts
  7. Neuro-Radiology : 02 posts
  8. Blood Bank (CNC) : 02 posts
  9. Lab.Medicine : 02 posts
  10. Cardiac-Radiology : 01 post
  11. Psychiatry : 06 posts
  12. Community Medicine : 04 posts
  13. Dermatology & Venereology : 01 post
  14. Nephrology : 05 posts
  15. Dental Surgery : 03 posts

The Application Form can be obtained from Academic Section from 10.00AM to 4.00 PM on all working days from 10.00 AM to 12.00 noon on Saturdays and the form along with criteria can be downloaded from the Institute web sites at

The complete application in all respect should reach to the Administrative Officer (ACAD.) latest by 22/06/2007 and the Interview for the same will be held on 29/06/2007.

For futher information please visit

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