Himachal Pradesh Government
Yojna Bhawan, Block No. 32A,
Vikas Nagar, Shimla - 171009, Himachal Pradesh (HP)
Applications are invited for the following categories of posts to be filled on contract basis initially for a period of one year which are likely to be extended on year to year basis in Town & Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh (HP) :
- Town & Country Planner : 5 posts, Pay : Rs.12000+50% D.P. Per month.
- Asstt. Town Planner : 3 posts , Pay : Rs. 8000+50% D.P. Per month.
- Planning Officer : 3 posts, Pay : Rs. 7220+50% D.P. per month
The desirous applicant possessing the requisite qualification may submit application on the prescribed form which can be down loaded from the Departmental website with latest photograph and certificates of educational qualification, proof of age and experience to the Director, Town & Country Planning Department, Block No.-32-A, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla(HP)-171009 within 20 days from the date of publication of advertisement in question in the News Paper (published on 12/06/07) i.e upto 30/06/07.
For more informaiton and Application Form, please see http://himachal.nic.in/tcp/Vacancy.pdf.