Recruitment in NIOT Chennai

(An Autonomous Institution under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India)
Velacherry-Tambaram main road
Narayanapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Advertisement No. 001/2007

National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) Chennai has been established as the technical arm of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India with the objective of promoting technology development in various mission mode activities related to Ocean Engineering and Ocean Resources exploitations.
I. Scientist Posts (Scientist B to Scientist G) : NIOT invites applications from suitable candidates with excellent academic background and relevant experience for the post of Scientist in one or more of the following areas:
  • Mechanical Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Offshore Engineering/
    Hydrographers/ Physical Oceanographers

II. Technical and Skilled Posts :

  • Tech. Assistant (Rs. 5500 –175–9000) , Age : Below 30 yrs., Qualification : I class Diploma in Engineering with technical experience in Govt. / Autonomous bodies / PSU / reputed organizations or experience in hydrography.

III. Administrative Posts :

  • Administrative Officer (Rs. 10000–325–15200)
  • Accounts Officer (Rs. 10000–325–15200)
  • Sr. Stenographer (Rs.5500-175-9000)

Application should be sent to The Director, National Institute of Ocean Technology, Velachery – Tambaram Main Road, Pallikaranai, Chennai – 601302, INDIA on or before the due date.

Last date of receipt of the Applicaiton : 15th July 2007.

For more information like education, age, salary etc. and Application From format, please view

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