Near Jubilee Hall, Mall Road, Delhi-110007
IGIB invites applications from the Indian citizens who dare to dream of highest scientific accomplishments with strong research aptitude, proven record of scientific achievements for the following positions for ongoing as well as planned activities of the institute:
- Scientist C Gr.IV(2) : 1 post (Biological Data Base and Computer System Management), Pay Scale : Rs.10000-15200/-, Age ; 35 years, Qualification : Fisrt class M.Sc./B.E./B.Tech (computer Science) / MCA or equivalent with minimum 3 years experience in relevant area or ME/M.Tech.(Computer Science) with minimum 1 year of experience in relvant areas or Ph.D. (Science) with minimum 1 year of experience in relvant areas.
- Scientist B Gr.IV(1) : 4 posts (Bioinformatics and System Biology, Population Genetics/ Biostatistics/ Computational Biology, Biological Data Base and Computer System Management), Pay Scale : Rs.8000-13500/-, Age ; 35 years, Qualification : MBBS with demonstrated aptitude to do research, Fisrt class M.Sc./B.E./B.Tech or ME/M.Tech. or Ph.D. (Science).
- Jr. Tehnical Assistant (Gr.III(1) : 3 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.4500-7000/-, Age : 28 years, Qualification : 1st Class B.Sc. Or 1st class BCA or equivalent / 1st class Bachelor's degree in applied sciences with instrumentation as a major subject/ 1st class Bachelor's degree in life science with a post graduate diploma/ degree in Biochemical and Molecular Biology / 1st class Bachelor's degree in Medical Laboratory Technology or equivalent.
To apply for Scientist IV posts, the applicand must fill in the Electronic Application Form specifically designed for the purpose. Only applications received electronically followed by a hard copy thereof duly signed will be entertained. The full text of the advertisement is available at on IGIB website http://www.igib.res.in . If there is any difficulty in submission of online application, please contact at recruit@igib.res.in
Application for the Jr. Technical Assistant must fill in the prescribed for either downloaded from IGIB website.
Relaxation in age as per Govt. rules.
Application Fee : Rs.100 /- in the form of Bank DD in favour of Director, Insitute of Genomics & Integrative Biology, Delhi payable at Delhi (No fee for SC/ST/PH candidates)
How to Apply : Candidates for Scientist Gr IV post should apply only on ON LINE. Hard copy of the online application and applicaiton in the prescribed proforma for technical posts duly signed with DD and recent passport size photgraph, testimonials and documents, work experience certificates should be sent in a sealed cover superscribed " Application for the post of Scientist / Jr. Technical Assistant Post Code ___ " to the Controller of Administration, Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, University Campus, Mall Road, Delhi - 110007 on or before 30/06/2007. The last date for receipt of online application and applicaitons for technical posts is 30th June 2007. The hard copy of the online application (for Scientist Gr. IV) should reach on or before 15 July 2007.