Udaipur-313001 , Rajasthan, India
Advertisement No.: 2/2007
Applications are invited on prescribed application form for appointment on regular basis for the following unreserved posts. Application Form alongwith details of qualifications etc. can be obtained from Registrar Office (Recruitment Section), Mohanlal Sukhadia University (MLSU), Udaipur-313001 on payment of Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST/OBC) by cash/DD payable to Mohanlal Sukhadia University (MLSU), Udaipur alongwith a self addressed envelope of 27 x 12 cms. with postal stamps of Rs.32/- affixed on it (if application is desired by post)
Last date for receipt of the applications is 10th July, 2007. Applicant sending their application through post should send it by registered post preferably.
- Professor (Rs.16400-22400) : 7 posts (Hindi-1, Rajasthani-1, Chemistry-1, Computer Science-1, Mathematics & Statistics-1, Pharmaceutical Sceince-1 Law-1)
- Associate Professor (Rs.12000-18300) : 9 posts (History-1, Sociology-1, Sanskrit-1, Political Science-1, Chemistry-1, Mathematics and Statistics-1, Pharmaceutical Science-1, Environmental Science-1, Geology-1, Law-1)
Candidates desirous to apply for more than one post should send saperate application form for each post.