Dhanbad- 826004
(Deemed University)
Advertisement No. 10803/07
The Indian School of Mines University established in 1926, invites applications from Indian nationals for the following positions:
- Associate/Assistant Professor in various subjects in the following Departments/Centre: (i) Applied Chemistry (ii) Applied Geology (iii) Applied Geophysics (iv) Applied Mathematics (v) Applied Physics (vi) Computer Science & Engineering (vii) Electrical Engineering (viii) Electronics & Instrumentation (ix) Fuel & Mineral Engineering (x)Humanities & Social Sciences (xi) Management Studies (xii) Mechanical Engineering & Mining Machinery Engineering (xiii) Mining Engineering (xiv) Petroleum Engineering, and (xv) Centre for Mine Environment.
- Assistant Professor (Workshop)
- Assistant Registrar
Pay Scales :
- Associate Professor : Rs.16400-20000/-
- Assistant Professor : Rs.12000-18300/-
- Assistant Registrar : Rs.8000-13500/-
For Qualification and other general information, kindly view this document. Kindly also see what perks are available to the Faculty at ISM dhanbad.
Indian Nationals working abroad may also apply. Qualifications prescribed for the posts will not be relaxed. However, experience may be relaxed in respect of exceptionally outstanding candidates. Applicants with good academic record but inadequate experience with Ph.D or, pursuing Ph.D, may be considered for the post of Lecturer (scale of pay Rs. 10000-325-15200/- or, Rs.8000-275-13500/-) on contract, maximum upto 5 years.
Applicant without Ph.D but with degree in mechanical/production engineering with 7 years of experience in the workshop of a reputed teaching institute, industry or defence services, may be considered for Workshop Superintendent in the pay scale of Rs. 10000-325-15200/- (Emoluments, minimum: Rs. 18780/-, maximum: Rs. 28452/-) on 5 years contract.
Application Form may be downloaded from the website and should be submitted with a fee of Rs. 100/- in the form of DD in favour of Registrar, Indian School of Mines Dhanbad payable at Dhanbad to the Deputy Registrar (Estt.), Indina School of Mines, Dhanbad - 826004.
Applications will be recieved throughout the year but applications will be considered quaeterly starting 30th September, 2007 for filling up the posts.