Central Recruitment and Promotion Department, corporate Centre, Mumbai invites applications from Indian citizen for appointment for following specialist officers SBI Group:
- Asst. General Manager (Security) : 1 post (for SBS)
- Chief Manager (Systems) : 2 post (for SBT)
- Chief Manager (Law) : 1 post (for SBIn)
- Manager CA/ICWA (US-GAAP) : 1 post (for SBBJ)
- Manager (Taxation) : 1 post (for SBH)
- Manager (Accounts & Taxation) : 1 post (for SBS)
- Dy. Manager (Law) : 1 post (for SBS)
- Dy. Manager (Law) : 10 posts (for SBP-2,SBH-3,SBT-5)
- Dy. Manager (Security) : 2 posts (for SBBJ)
- Dy. Manager (Civil Engineering) : 1 post (for SBT)
- Dy. Manager (Electrical Engineering) : 2 posts (for SBT)
- Dy. Manager (Networking) : 2 posts (for SBS)
- Dy. Manager (CA) : 1 post (for SBM)
- Dy. Manager (Account & Taxation) : 1 posts (for SBS)
- Dy. Manager (Fin. Analyst) : 2 posts (for SBS)
- Dy. Manager (Information Secutiry) : 1 post (for SBS)
- Dy. Manager (Data Ware Housing) : 2 posts (for SBS)
- Dy. Manager (IT Support) : 5 posts (for SBS)
- Dy. Manager (Software Development) : 4 posts (for SBS)
- Asstt. Manager (Electrical Engineering) : 2 posts (for SBBJ-1,SBIn-1)
- Asstt. Manager (Security) : 22 posts (for SBI-16,SBM-1,SBBJ-1,SBH-4)
- Asstt. Manager (Law) : 6 posts (for SBT-5,SBM-1)
- Asstt. Manager (Fire) : 3 posts (for SBI)
- Asstt. Manager (Systems) : 11 posts (for SBT)
- Asstt. Manager (Hardware & Networking) : 1 post (for SBP)
- Programmer cum Operator : 2 posts (for SBP)
- CA (on Contract) : 1 post (for SBP)
State Bank of India - SBI
State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur - SBBJ
State Bank of Hyderabad - SBH
State Bank of Indore - SBIn
State Bank of Mysore - SBM
State Bank of Patiala - SBP
State Bank of Saurashtra - SBS
State Bank of Travancore - SBT
For further details regarding state wise and discipline wise details aplication format, consolidated compensation, package, age, qualification, relevant post qualificaiton full time experience, application fee and postage payable, relaxation in upper age limit etc please refer to the complete advertisement displayed on the banks website and in the Employment News issue dated 18/11/2006 or subsequent issues.
- Last date for receipt of application : 09/12/2006 and the the candidates who are in far flung areas and remote areas the last date is 16/12/2006.
Application complete in all respect should reach on or before 09/12/2006. Application should be sent to Post Box No. 7632, Malad (West), Mumbai - 400064.
Application form can be downloaded from Bank's website http://www.statebankofindia.com or http://www.sbi.co.in