(A Government of India Enterprise)
Kalpakkam – 603 102, Kancheepuram District (TN)
Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (BHAVINI), which has been incorporated as a Company to implement 2nd stage of Nuclear Power Programme of India, involved in the construction and commissioning of first 500 MWe Fast Breeder Reactor at Kalpakkam and pursue construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of subsequent Fast Breeder Reactors for generation of electricity, invites applications for the following posts :
Stipendiary Trainee (Scientific Assistant) (Group-B)
- Mechanical - 13, Electrical - 15, Instrumentation & Electronics - 7 (total - 35 posts)
- Age : 18 to 25 years
Stipendiary Trainee (Tradesman) (Group-C)
- Operators - 30, Mechanical - 14, Electrical - 7, Electronics - 4, Instrumentation- 5 (total-60)
- Age : 18 to 24 years
Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PH is applicable as per relevant Central Government Orders/rules.
Qualification : (for trainees at post no. 1)
- Minimum 60% of Marks in Diploma (3 years course) in Mechanical/ Electrial/ Electronics & Instrumentation from a Recognised Institution.
- Should have had English as one of the Subjects at HSC or at SSC level examination.
Qualification : (for trainees at post no. 2)
- HSC(10+2) or ISC (with Science Subjects) with not less than 50% marks in Science & Mathematics individually Plus ITI in the concerned subject.
- Should have had English as one of the Subjects at least at SSC level examination.
Selection Procedure :Written examination will be conducted. Those who are successful in the written examination will be called for Interview.
How to Apply:
- The outer cover should be superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _________________________”
- Completed applications may be sent to Assistant Manager (HR) - Unit, Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (BHAVINI), Kalpakkam, Kancheepuram Dist.-603 102 so as to reach on or before 27.01.2007.
For further information in this regard and Application Form format kindly see http://bhavini.co.in/download_documents/stipendiary_ad.doc