Applications are invited by Indian Citizens for the following vacancies in the UP Govt. Departments:
- Home (Police) Department - U.P.
- 12 Posts of Assistant Director under Forensic Science Laboratory, U.P. , Nature of Post: Gazetted, Pay Scale: Rs. 8550-14600/-
- State Planning Instt. (Evaluation) Division
- 05 posts of Evaluation Officer
- Medical Deptt. UP
- 172 posts of Allopathic Medical Officer Sepecialist (Male)
- Anaesthetist : 44 posts
- Radiologist : 42 posts
- Physician : 44 posts
- Surgeon : 42 posts
- Medical Education Deptt, UP
- 01 post of Principal, College of Nursing, Kanpur
- Ayurvedic Medical Education Deptt., UP
- 02 posts of Professor, Sharir
- Medical Education (Homeopathic) Deptt. UP
- Lecturer, Pharmacy - 01 post
- Lecturer, Surgery - 01 post
- Technical Education Deptt., UP
- Head, Information Technology : 01 post
Fee : Fee should be deposited through Treasury Challan of Treasuries located in U.P. only, in the account head “0051, Public Service Commission, 105 State Public Service Commission Examination Fees, 01-State Public Service Commission Examination Fees” and original challan be attached with the application. Fee remitted through account payee Bank Draft drawn and issued by any scheduled Bank and made payable to the “Secretary, Public Service Commission, U.P.” at Allahabad, will also be accepted. Candidates residing outside U.P. should remit the fee through Bank Draft only. Applicaiton fee for S.C., S.T. and Physically Handicapped Candidates of U.P. is Rs. 60/-. Application fee for all other Candidates (except S.C., S.T. and Physically Handicapped candidates of U.P.) will be Rs. 100/- , both item of fee i.e. fee and postage expenditure shall be paid by one Treasury Challan or Bank Draft.
HOW TO APPLY : Application should be submitted on the prescribed format only on thick foolscap paper in Devnagri script. It may be typed / hand written or photostat. Format is printed at the end of the advertisement for the convenience of the candidates. Application complete in all respects must reach the "Secretary (Deptt No. ---- ) Public Service Commission, U.P. 10, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Allahabad-211018” at the commission’s office either by registered post or by hand upto 5.00 p.m. on or before 19 January, 2007.
For complete details regarding age, eligibility, reservation, fees, format of Application form, general instructions etc. and other relevant details, kindly see detailed advertisement available at http://www.uppsc.org.in/advt/english231206.pdf
A small version of the above said advertisement is also available at : http://uppsc.org.in/advt/Sanchipt231206.pdf