Regd. & Head Office : 24, Whites Road, Chennai – 600 014
Website: www.uiic.co.in
Applications are invited from Indian citizens for the post of Administrative Officers (SCALE – I) in specialized disciplines :
- Number of Posts : 60 (SC-7,ST-4,OBC-14, UR-35)
(A) Educational Qualifications :
- Group A : B.E./B.Tech(Computer Science/Electronics)/MCA/M.Sc.(Computer Science) (IT Specialisation)
- Group B : Chartered Accountant (ICAI) / Cost Accountant (ICWAI) / Company Secretary (ICSI) / Chartered Financial Analyst
(ICFAI) - Group C : Graduate in Engineering or any other equivalent qualification in any of the following disciplines : (1) Chemical, (2) Mechanical (3) Electrical (4) Civil (5) Electronics
- Group D : L.L.B. or equivalent qualification and a minimum experience of three years as a practicing lawyer (2 years for SC/ST) in MACTs
- Group E : Post Graduates in Statistics / Actuarial Science
Age (As on 30/06/2006) : Min. 21 Years, Max : 35 years (SC/ST-35 yrs, OBC-33 yrs, PH-35 Years)
Application Fee : A Crossed Bank Draft of Rs.250/- payable at Chennai purchased from Bank drawn in favour of ‘UNITED INDIA INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED’ should be attached with the application form. No examination fee is required for SC/ST candidates . Candidates should write his/her name and address, Group and Code No. on the reverse of the Demand Draft.
Date of Written Examination : 11th March, 2007
Selection Procedure :There will be a written examination which would comprise of the following : Objective type Tests of (i) Reasoning (ii) English Language (iii) General Awareness (iv) Quantitative Aptitude and (v) Professional Knowledge.On the basis of performance in written examination, candidates will be called for interview and the final selection will be based on overall performance in written examination and interview.
How to Apply: Applications complete in all respect together with the enclosures as mentioned in 3.1 and 3.2 above must reach on or before 06/01/2007 at the following address :
Post Bag No.2281, Chanakyapuri Post Office, New Delhi – 110021
For further detail and Application Form see http://www.uiic.co.in/AO_RECT_ADVT.pdf