Ministry of Home Affair
Directorate General : Central Reserve Polce Forces
Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for appointment to Group 'A' posts of General Duty Medical Officers including dentists (Assistant Commandant level) and Specialist Medical Officers (Deputy Commandant level) in Central Reserve Police Force, BSF, ITBP, SSB and Assam Rifle, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
The Cadre of the Medical Officer including Dentists and Specialists Medical Officers of the above organisations has been restructured on the pattern of CGHS. The post of Medical Officer including Dentists and Specialists Medical Officers, Group 'A' is combatised in the rank of Assistant Commandant and Deputy Commandant respectively and the rank structure is commensurate to thier pay scale in the cadre, subject to instruction issued from time to time.
Number of Vacancise : Medical Officers including Dentists (Assistant Commandant)
- CRPF : MO - 23 posts, Dentists - 21 posts
- BSF : MO - 26 posts, Dentists - 09 posts
- ITBP : MO - 42 posts, Dentists - 03 posts
- SSB : MO - 28 posts, Dentists - 03 posts
- Assam Rifles : MO - 69 posts
Number of Vacancise : Specialist Medical Officers (Deputy Commandant)
- Medicine : 38 posts (CRPF-21, BSF-10, ITBP-03, SSB-03, AR-01)
- Surgical : 37 posts (CRPF-21, BSF-09, ITBP-03, SSB-03, AR-01)
- OBS & Gynaecologist : 37 posts (CRPF-21, BSF-09, ITBP-03, SSB-03, AR-01)
- Anaesthetics: 37 posts (CRPF-21, BSF-09, ITBP-03, SSB-03, AR-01)
- Radiologist: 38 posts (CRPF-21, BSF-10, ITBP-03, SSB-03, AR-01)
- Pathology: 37 posts (CRPF-21, BSF-09, ITBP-03, SSB-03, AR-01)
- Eye: 32 posts (CRPF-17, BSF-08, ITBP-03, SSB-03, AR-01)
- ENT: 07 posts (CRPF-04, BSF-02, ITBP-01)
- Pediatrics: 06 posts (CRPF-04, BSF-01, ITBP-01)
- Orthopedics: 06 posts (CRPF-04, BSF-01, ITBP-01)
- Psychiatry: 01 post (ITBP-01)
Pay Scale :
- For Medical Officers including Dentists Rs. 8000-275-13500/-
- For Specialist Officers Rs. 10000-325-15200/-
Age :
- For Medical Officers : Nor more than 30 years as on 30/01/2007. Relaxation if age limit as per Govt. rules.
- For Medical Officers Dentist : Not more than 35 years as 0n 30/01/2007. Relaxation if age limit as per Govt. rules.
- for Specialist Medical Officer : Not more than 35 years as 0n 30/01/2007. Relaxation if age limit as per Govt. rules.
- For Medical Officers : A recognised medical qualificiaiton of allopathic system of medicine.
- For Medical Officers Dentist : A Degree or Diploma from a recognised University/Institution included in the Schedule to the Dentists Act, 1948
- For Specialist Medical Officer : A recognised medical qualificiaiton of allopathic system of medicine and three years experience in concerned speciality after obtaining PG degree or five years experience after obtaining PG Diploma.
Applications in the prescribed format should reach the the following address on or before 30th January, 2007 and for the candidates from far flung areas last date is 6th February, 2007:
- The Member Secretary
- Medical Officers Selection Board (CPFs) 2006
- Directorate General
- Central Reserve Police Force
- (Ministry of Home Affairs)
- Block No.1, CGO Complex
- Lodhi Raod, New Delhi - 110003.
The envelope cover must be superscribed in bold letters as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF MEDICAL OFFICERS/MEDICAL OFFICERS DENTIST (ASSISTANT COMMANDANT) /SPECIALIST MEDICAL OFFICERS (DEPUTY COMMANDANT) IN CPFs - 2006". Application must be accompanied by two self-addressed unstamped envelopes of 11.5cm x 27.5 cm size.
Complete details can be seen at http://crpf.nic.in
The format of the Application Form is available here.