Avionics Division, Korwa, Sultanpur-227412
HAL, a Navratna Central Public Sector undertaking, is a premier Aeronautical Industry of South East Asis. HAL invites applications for the following posts for its Avionics Division, Korwa:
- Diploma Trainee (Electronics) : 01 post (ST)
- Diploma Trainees (Electronics) : 05 posts (HH-2, VH-3)
- Technician Trainee (Machinist) : 01 psots (OH-1)
- Translation Trainee (Russian) : 01 post (UR)
- Dresser Trainee (Turner) : 01 post (UR)
- Vigilance Assistant: 01 post (UR)
Application Form : A crossed Demand Draft of Rs.100/- for posts SI NO: 4, 5 & 6 should accompany the application (exempted in case of internal / SC/ST/PWDs), which is non-refundable, drawn on any Branch of State Bank of India, in favour of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Avionics Division, Korwa, payable at SBI, Korwa.
How to Apply : Applications complete in all respects should reach the Chief Manager (P&A), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Avionics Division, Korwa, Amethi, PO: HAL Korwa, Distt. Sultanpur (UP)- 227412 on or before 12/04/2008.
Please view http://www.hal-india.com/Careers/kwa/kwa_vacancies.pdf for complete details and application form.