HAL Corporate Office, 15/1, Cubbon Road, Bangalore-560001
HAL, a Navratna Central Public Sector undertaking, is a premier Aeronautical Industry of South East Asis. HAL is looking for experienced Design Specialists for its prestigious Projects in the following core areas:
- Stress Analysis : 12 posts (Level-II-10, Level-III-2)
- Structural Design / Aerodynamics / Dynamics / Materials : 16 posts (Level-II-10, Level-III-6)
- Electrical / Avionics Design /System Integration : 14 posts (Level-II-10, Level-III-4)
- Mechanical System Design & Integration / Transmission System Design (Hydraulic, Power Plant, Flight Control and Landing Gear / Rotor Design) : 20 posts (Level-II-10, Level-III-10)
How to Apply : Apply Online by logging on to HAL Website Applications. The last date for submission of application is 15th April 2008. The Website will be kept open till 2400 hours on 15th April 2008 for this purpose.
Please view http://www.hal-india.com/careersnewco2.asp for complete details and link to online submission of application.