Applications on prescribed form (in duplicate) are invited from the citizens of India for the following posts on regular basis :
- Sister Grade-II : 97 posts (UR-49, SC-16, OBC-32) Pay Scale : Rs.5000-8000/-
- Telephone Operator : 01 post (UR), Pay Scale : Rs.3050-4590/-
Age : 18-30 years (Age relaxation will be given to SC/ST/OBC/Govt. servants/ departmental candidates, as per rules).
Application Fee : A Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- (150/- for SC/ST candidates) drawn in favour of the Director PGIMER, Chandigarh payable at State Bank of India, Sector 12, Chandigarh (Code No.1524)
How to Apply : Application form and detailed information can be obtained from the office of the Administrative Officer, Recruitment Cell, Kairon Block, PGIMER, Chandigarh-160012 either personally or on written request accompanied by a self addressed & stamped (Rs.10/-) envelope (27 cm x 12 cm) or can be downloaded from the website. Last date of receipt of completed application form is 10/04/2008.
Please visit http://pgimer.nic.in/oppor.htm for detailed information and application form.