Walk-in at Regional Plant Quarantine Station Chennai

Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
Dept. of Agriculture & Co-Operation
Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine & Storage
Regional Plant Quarantine Station
G.S.T. Road, Meenambakkam, Chennai-600027


It is proposed to fill up the undermentioned temporary positions on outsourcing basis for inspection, supervision of fumigation, drawal of samples from imported agricultural commodities, documentation etc. through walk-in-interview scheduled to be held on 26/12/2007 at 11.00 am. Accordingly, the eligible and desirous candidates fulfilling all the requirements should appear before the Selection Committee for personal interview/test at Regional Plant Quarantine Station, GST Road (Near Hotel Trident), Meenabakkam, Chennai as indicated below :
  • Technical Assistant : 15 posts, Emoluments : Rs.15000/- per month consolidated, Qualification : M.Sc. Agriculture, Tenure : Upto 31/03/2008 or till period up to which services are absolutely essential, whichever is earlier, Place of work : Chennai, Tuticorin, Vishakhapatnam, Kakinada, Cochin and Mangalore, Age : 35 years (5 years relaxation to SC/ST and 3 years to OBC candidates)

The eligible candidates may appear for walk-in-interview along with three copies of passport size photographs, original and a set of attested copies of the certificates on the date, time and address stated above.

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