Walk-In at NIT Kurukshetra for Faculty

National Institute of Technology (NIT)
(Deemed University)

Advertisement No. 29/2007

Walk - In - Interview

NIT Kurukshtra requies Lecturers on contract basis at consolidated salary of Rs.16,920/- per month for the session 2007-08. Interested candidates may appear for interview in the Board Room of the Institute along with applications, all originals and attested copies of certificates as per schedule given below
  1. 17.12.2007 09.30 AM : Mechanical Engineering/ Industrial Engineering & Management
  2. 17.12.2007 11.30 AM : Physics
  3. 17.12.2007 2.00 PM : Chemistry
  4. 17.12.2007 4.00 PM : Humanities & Social Sciences (English & Economics/ Business Administration)
  5. 18.12.2007 9.30 AM : Electrical Engineering
  6. 18.12.2007 11.30 AM : Electronics & Communication Engg.
  7. 18.12.2007 2.00 PM : Computer Engineering/ Information Technology
  8. 18.12.2007 4.00 PM : Mathematics

Further details are available at http://www.nitkkr.ac.in/advertisementlectdec2007.htm

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