Vacancies in UP RIMSR

UP Rural Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (UP RIMSR)
(An Institute of UP Govt.)
Saifai, Etawah-206301 (UP)

Advertisement No. RIMS/3605/ADMN/2007-08

The U.P. Rural Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (RIMSR), Saifai, Etawah is the state-of-art established by the Govt. of Uttar Pradesh with very high vision to improve the health services in rural areas, on the pattern of AIIMS, New Delhi & Sanjay Gandhi PGIMS, Lucknow. It is a first National level institute which has been established in rural area. The RIMSR has 750 bedded hospital with its Medical College and Para Medical College. The Institute invites applications on prescribed format for filling up the following posts by Direct Recruitment/Deputation.

  1. Joint Director (MM) (Rs.14300-18300) : 01 post
  2. Store Purchase Officer (Rs.8000-13500) : 012 posts (UR-1,SC-1)
  3. Senior Administrative Officer (Rs.10000-15200) : 01 post
  4. Junior Accounts Officer (Rs.5500-9000) : 02 posts (UR-1,SC-1)
  5. Anaesthesia Technician (Rs. 4000-6000) : 14 posts (UR-7,SC-3,OBC-4)
  6. Operation Theatre Assitstant Grade (Rs.3050-4590) : 10 posts (UR-5,SC-2,OBC-3)
  7. CSSD Technician (Rs.4000-6000) : 04 posts (UR-2,SC-1,OBC-1)
  8. Speech Therapist (Rs. 4500-7000) : 02 posts (UR-1,SC-1)

Application Fee : The application must be submitted along with a Bank Draft of Rs.200/- for General & OBC and Rs 100/- for SC/ST for the posts having pay scale oin Rs. 6500/- onwards and Rs.100/- for Rs. 50/- respectively for other pay scales in favour of “Finance Officer, U.P. Rural Institute of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah”.

How to Apply : Interested applicants may apply through Registered or Speed Post only on prescribed format (on A4 size paper) (preferably neatly typed) by affixing one passport size attested photograph at proper place alongwith attested photocopies of all educational certificates & testimonials pertaining to age, caste and experience certificates to “The Director, U.P. Rural Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Saifai, Etawah-206301(U.P.)” on or before 25th December, 2007.

Further details can be found at Appliction form is also available here.

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