JRF Required in SAC ISRO

Government of India
Depaertment of Space
Iindian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad

Advertisement No. 03/2007

SAC, Ahmedababd Invites Applications for JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP (JRF) and Research Associates (RA)

  • JRF for Physics, Geography, Agronomy/ Crop Physiology/ Agrometeorology/ Agriculture Physics/ Geology/ Applied Geology / Physical Ocenography/ Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics/ Electronics : M.Sc. with First Class with 65% marks or above.
  • JRF for Computer Science : BE/B.Tech. Computer Science with First Class with 65% marks or above.
  • JRF for IT (Information Technology) : M.Sc. (IT) or BE/B.Tech. (IT) with First Class with 65% marks or above.
  • Knowledge of computer programming and numerical analysis is desirable for all JRF post.
  • Research Associates in Atmospheric Science/ Oceanography : Fresh Ph.D. OR Thesis submitted and viva-voce is dure shortly.
  • Research Associates in Physics/ Geophysics/ Agricultural Physics : Fresh Ph.D. OR M.Sc. First Class with 65% marks or bove with 4 years research experience.
  • Research Associates in Physics/ Geophysics/ Agricultural Physics : Fresh Ph.D. OR M.Sc. First Class with 65% marks or bove with 4 years research experience.
  • Research Associates in Crop Physiology/ Plant Physiology/ Agrometeorology : Fresh Ph.D. OR M.Sc. First Class with 65% marks or bove with 4 years research experience.

Amount :

  • JRF : Rs.12000/- PM + 15% HRA (for 1st/2nd years) and Rs.14000/-+15%HRA (subsequent year)
  • Associateship : Rs.16000/- PM + 15% HRA for RA 'A' / Rs.17000/- PM+ 15%HRA for RA 'B' / Rs.18000/- PM + 15% HRA for RA 'C'

Age : Leass than 30 years for JRF, 35 years for RA. 5 years relaxation for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates.

How to Apply : The application on plain paper in the precribed format duly completed in all respects alongwith its enclosures properly tagged/stapled, should reach the following addressee within 15 days from the date of publication i.e. up to 15/12/07:

The Administrative Officer (RMT & REV), P & GA Division,
Building No.30-D, Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO,
Ambawadi Vistar P.O., Ahmedabad-380015

Application should be sent in a cover superscribed "ADVT.NO.03/2007, Application for the Position of ............. (Subject:...........) (Post No........)

Please visit http://www.sac.gov.in/ for more information and application format. OR you can find the copy of the advertisement at http://governmentjob.googlepages.com/SacJRF.jpg

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