Advt. No. Estab.IV/195/2007
Special Drive to fill up the posts of Lecturer reserved for Physically Handicapped persons:
Applications in the prescribed format are invited from the eligible candidates belongings to Physically Handicapped (PH) categories for consideration and appointment to the post of Lecturer (Rs.8000-13500/-) in various disciplines in the University as per University rules. At present vacancies esixt in the discipline of Anthropology, Buddhist Studies, Law, Chemistry, Environmental Biology, Economics, Education, Germanic & Romance Studies, History, Hindi, Management Studies, Mathematics, Modern Indian Language & Literary Studies, Music, Physics, Sanskrit, Sociology, Urdu.
The last date of receipt of applications is 25/05/2007.
For more information, eligibility conditions and other details and Application Form, visit Delhi University website : and this advertisement can be seen at and details of the qualifications are available at
Eligible candidates belonging to PH categories who wish to be considered for appointment as Lecturer in Colleges, can also get their names registered with the Deputy Registrar (Colleges), University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 . The details of such registered candidates will be provided to the colleges as per requirements.