Recruitment of DGM in ONGC

Oil and Natuaral Gas Company Limited (ONGC)

Advertismenet No.1/2007 ( R&P )

ONGC, a Fortune-Global 500 Company, invites applications from competent professionals for tenure appointment to the following positions for a period of 3 years initially, extendable on requirement basis:

  • DGM Marine Safety : (a) General Candidates - incumbant should have served as Master (Foreign-going) with minimum 2 years experiece as Master (b) Ex-Serviceman- should have served in the level of Naval Commander or equivalent with miinimum two years Marine vessel/ Ship comand experience.
  • DGM Aviation Safety : (a) General Candidates - incumbant should have served as commercial Pilot, with at least 2500 hours of total flying experience. (b) Ex-Serviceman- should have served as a pilot with at least 2500 hours of total flying experience.

Pay Scale : Rs.19500-25600/-

For detailed information on eligibility criteria, job profile etc. kindly visit

Candidates fulfilling the requirement as per detailed advertisement may send their applications to Chief Manager (P&A) - Recruitment, ONGC, B.S. Negi Bhavan, 3rs Floor, Corporate R&P, Tel Bhavan, Dehradun on or before 07/06/2007.

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