Roorkee-247667 (Uttarakhand)
Advertisement No. IITR/Estt(B)/E-2273/4982
IIT Roorkee invites applications on the prescribed form for the following posts as per details. The forms may be obtained from Supdt. Estt 'B' Section, IIT Roorkee by sending a request with a self addressed envelope 9"x4" duly affixed with stamps worth Rs.5/- or the form may be downloaded from the website at the address . The applicaitons on plain paper giving the information (Sl.No. & Name of Post applied for, Name of Applicant, Name of Father/Husband, Mailing & Permanent Address, Date of Birth, Category - SC/ST/OBC, Educational Qualification, Experience and other particulars, if any) with attested copies of certificates/ degrees/ marksheets are invited. for
- Sr. Library Information Assistant : 07 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5500-9000/-
- Jr. Supdt. (legal) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5500-9000/-
- Physical Training Instructor Grade-II : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5500-9000/-
- Pharmacist : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.4500-7000/-
- Midwife Gr.-II : 01, Pay Scale : Rs.3200-4900/-
- Tech.Asstt. : 01 post (Tenetative up to 23/11/07), Pay : Rs.10000/- per month
- Jr. Lab Asstt. : 01 post (Tenetative up to 23/11/07), Pay : Rs.6000/- per month
The details about the qualifications and Experience and the requirements in terms of various areas of specialisation etc. for the various posts can be seen at
The last date of the submit the application form is 30 days from the publication of the advertisement (i.e. upto 11/06/2007)