Durgapur West Bengal - India - 713209
Advertisement for Faculty Positions in NIT Durgapur
The Institute invites applications from Indian Nationals, possessing consistently good academic background with commitment to quality teaching, research and projects for faculty positions in the following disciplines at the level of Professors, Associate Professor and Assistant Professors in the following areas :
- Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Computer Centre, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Humanities & Social Sciences (Economics / English), Information Technology, Mathematics, Management Studies, Master of Computer Application, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Physics
Vacancies :
- Professor : 18 posts, Pay Scale : Pay Band (PB-4) Rs.37400-67000 with AGP Rs.10000
- Associate Professor : 26 posts, Pay Scale : PB-4 Rs.37400-67000 with AGP Rs.9000/-
- Assistant Professor : 35 posts, Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 with AGP Rs.6000/-
How to Apply : Completed application in the prescribed format should be send through Speed Post/ Registered Post/ Courier in sealed envelope super scribed with “Application for the Post of…………in the Deptt. of ………..” and should be send to the address Director, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur-713209, West Bengal, India on ore before 15/01/2010.
Details of qualification, specialisation, experience, format of application form and procedures are available at http://www.nitdgp.ac.in/advt09/facadvt0509mm.doc and addendum for current vacancies available at http://www.nitdgp.ac.in/advt09/facadvt1209mmm.doc
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