Shankar Nagar Road, Raipur
Advertisement No. 6/2009
Recruitment of Specialist Medical Officer (Ayush / Therapy Centre) (Medical College)
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the following posts in the state of Chhattisgarh :
- Specialist Medical Officer : 30 posts (UR-2, ST-2), Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100, Age : 25-35 years
How to Apply : Apply on the prescribed application form and filled up form should be sent to the Secretary, Chhatisgarh Public Service Commission, Shankar Nagar Road, Raipur - 492001 (Chhatisgarh) on or before 22/01/2009.
Please View http://psc.cg.gov.in/pdf/Advertisement/Specialist_Ayush_2009.pdf for detailed information and application form.