Faculty vacancy in LGBRIMH Dec09

Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com
LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRIMH)
(Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)
Post Box No. 15, Tezpur-784001 (Assam)

Application on prescribed format are invited from the citizen of India for filling up the following posts :
  1. Associate Professor : 04 posts, Pay Band : Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs. 7600+ NPA
  2. Assistant Professor : 14 posts, Pay Band : Rs. 15600-39100 GP Rs.6600 + NPA
How to Apply : The application with a Bank Draft of Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of the Director, LGBRIMH, Tezpur and attested copies of certificate/one PP size photograph so as to reach to the Administrative Officer, LGBRIMH, Tezpur-784001 latest by 29/01/2010.

Please visit http://www.lgbrimh.org/Advertisement.html and view the advt.
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