(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Dockyrad Road, Mumbai-400010
Recruitment of Officers, Advertisement no, MDL/HR-O/REC/06/2009
Mazagon Dock Limited invites applications from Indian Nationals for the following posts on the regular basis in the Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA) pay scale:
- Probationary Officer (E-1) : 46 posts (30-Mechanical, 08-Electrical, 08-Electronics)
Age is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC, For Ex-servicemen age is relaxable to the extent of number of years in Military Service subject to maximum 3 years beyond prescribed age limit of the post.
Pay Scales :
- E-1 : Rs.8600-250-14600
How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed format should reach the Additional General Manager (HR-O), Management Development Centre, Service Block, 2nd Floor, Mazagon Dock Limited, Dockyard Road, Mumbai-400010 on or before 30th June 2009 [Last date is now extended upto 20/08/2009][Last date is again extended upto 22/09/2009] for probationary officers only
For more information and application form, please view http://www.mazagondock.gov.in/career_may09/070509/HR-O-06_AD_website_070509.pdf also see corrigendum at the website under Career section.
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