(A Government of India Enterprise)
5th Floor, shipping House, 245, Madame Cama Road, Mumbai-400021
Invites applicaitons from Unmarried Male and Female Grdaute Engineer for Recruitment as TRAINEE MARINE ENGINEER (TME)
Last date of receipt of application is 29/06/2009
Qualification : Graduate in Mechanical Engineering / Naval architecture from any Engineering college recognized by AICTE . Must have secured minimum 50% marks in Final year Engineering and at least 50% marks in English Language at 10th standard or 10+2 level.
Age not exceeding 25 years as on 01/01/2010. Age relaxation of five years for SC /ST candidates will be given as per Govt. Two years age relaxation will be given to women candidates. (Age limit is now increased to 28 years)
Application Fee : A Demands draft of Rs. 1000/- for General / OBC Category and Rs. 500/- for SC / ST Category drawn on a Mumbai branch of any Nationalized Bank, crossed ‘A/c payee only’ and payable to “The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd”. Applicant must write his name in CAPITALS on the reverse of the Demand Draft
All India written examination : 2nd August 2009
How to Apply : Duly completed Application Form along with Demand Draft should be sent in sealed envelope super scribed as “Application for Trainee Marine Engineer for ____________ center” to The Sr. Vice President (fleet personal), The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd, “Shipping House”, 245, Madam Cama Road, Mumbai-400021 to reach not later than 29/06/2009.
For further details and application format, please view http://www.shipindia.com/newsite/downloads/tme2010advt.doc
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