(An Autonomous Body of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India)
P.O. New Forest, Dehradun – 248006 (Uttarakhand)
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals fulfilling the prescribed qualifications and experience for appointment to the under mentioned posts:
- Scientist-C : 18 posts (UR-9, SC-4, ST-3, OBC-2), Pay scale : Rs.10000-15200/-, Age : 35 years (as on 31/01/2009),
Application Fee : Rs.200/ - through bank Demand Draft drawn in favour of the “Secretary, ICFRE” payable at Dehradun from any Nationalized bank. No other mode of payment of application fee is acceptable. The SC/ST candidates are exempted from the payment of the application fee.
How to Apply : Interested candidates should submit their application typed on A-4 size paper as per the prescribed proforma alongwith attested copies of marksheets, certificates, degree, etc. to the Registrar, Recruitment Board, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun – 248006 within, sixty days (60 days) from the date of publication of this advertisement i.e. the last date is upto 20/04/2009.
For further information and application form please see http://www.icfre.org/UserFiles/File/advertisement_job/Add_Scientists_150109.pdf
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