Vacancy in Janki Devi Memorial College Delhi

Janki Devi Memorial College
Delhi University
Sir Gangaram Hospital Marg, New Delhi - 110060

Applications are invited from women candidates on prescribed form obtainable from the college office on request or by sending self addressed stamped envelopes for the permanent posts of Lecturers/ Librarian in then pay scales of Rs.8000-275-13500.
  • English : 04 posts [Permanent -2 (OBC-1, UR-1) Temporary -2 (SC-1, UR-1)
  • Economics : 01 post (Permanent (SC) Prefernece to the candidates with training in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics
  • Philosophy : 01 post (Temporary (UR))
  • Pol. Science : 03 post (Permanent -1 (OBC-1, UR-1) Temporary - 1 (UR))
  • Sanskrit : 01 post (Permanent UR)
  • Librarian : 01 post (Permanent UR), Qualification : Master Degree in Library Sc./ Information Science/ Documentation or an equivalent qualification with at least 55% marks

Qualification : Good academic record with at least 55% of marks (50% for SC/ST candidate or those who have passed their Master's Degree prior to 19/09/91 and hold a Ph.D. degree) or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with letter grade A, B,C,D,E,F, at the Master's Degree Level in a relevant subject from an Indian University or an equivalent from a foreign university.

Net shall remain compulsary requirement for appointment as lecturer for those with postgraduate degree. However, the candidates having Ph.D. degree in the concerned subject are exempted from NET for PG level and UG level teaching. The candidates having M.Phil degree in the concerned subject exempted from NET for UG level teaching only.

Forms can be had from the college office on working days free of cost. Candidates desirous to have the forms by post should send 9x4 self-addressed and stamped envelope well in time.

Applications accompanied by attested copies of certificates and testimonials should reach the Principal by 31/10/2008.

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