Teaching posts in Shivaji University Oct08

Kolhapur, Maharashtra (India)

Teaching Advertisement No: 7,8,9,19,11,12 & 13/2008

Applications are invited in the prescribed form for the taching posts to be filled in, in the University in various Departments.

Pay Scale :
  1. Professor / Librarian : Rs. 16400-22400
  2. Reader/ Dy. Librarian/ Asst. Director : Rs. 12000-18300
  3. Lecturer/ Scientific Officer : Rs. 8000-13500

Application Form : Prescribed application forms (a set of 12 copies) can be obtained from the University office on payment of Rs. 300/- in cash (not refundable) and by post on sending a Demand Draft of Rs.325/-(not refundable) drawn in favour of the Finance and Accounts Officer, Shivaji University, Kolhapur payable at Kolhapur Branch. Application form is available on website at http://www.unishivaji.ac.in/r/Appform10108.doc.

How to Apply : The Applications should reach the Registrar, Shivaji University, Kolhapur on or before 11/11/2008.

Kindly visit http://www.unishivaji.ac.in/recruitments.htm for detailed information and application form, also see other vacancies in the affiliated colleges under the university.

(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

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