Rolling Faculty Jobs in PDPM-IIITDM

PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing(PDPM-IIITDM)
(An Institute under Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

PDPM-IIITDM invites applications from Indian nationals for the faculty posts of :
  1. Assistant Professor in pay scale Rs.12,000-420-18300/-
  2. Lecturer in pay scale Rs.10000-325-15200/-
  3. Research Engineer grade-II in pay scale Rs.8000-275-13500/-
  4. Research Engineer grade-I in pay scale Rs.10000-325-15200/-

For its R&D activities and teaching of professional courses in the disciplines of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE), Mechanical Engineering (ME) as well as core courses of Mathematics, Physics and Materials Science.

How to Apply : Applications from prospective candidates are invited throughout the year. Based on the qualifications of the candidates and the need of the department concerned, applications received will be processed through duly constituted selection committees at regular intervals. For further details contact Administrative Officer, Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing, Jabalpur-402011, India.

Please visit for details and application form.

(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

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