Recruitment in BN Mandal University Madhepura Bihar

Bhupendra Narayan Mandal University
Laloo Nagar, Madhepura, Bihar

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for appointment on the following posts in prescribed form.
  1. Principal, Constituent Colleges : 23 posts (UR-13, SC-4, EBC-5, OBC-1)
  2. Principal RMM Law College, Saharsa : 01 post
  3. Controller of Examination : 01 post

How to Apply : The candidate are directed to send their application duly filled along with a Bank Draft of Rs.1500/- (Rs.750/- for SC/ST) payable to Registrar, B.N.Mandal University, Madhepura latest by 10/11/2008 directly or through post to the Registrar at above address.

Please visit for details and application format.

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