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Become a Short Service Commissioned (SSC) Officer in Executive Branch (General Service - GS) - Jul 2009 Course
Applications are invited from unmarried Male Indian Citizens for Short Service Commission (SSC) Officer in Executive Branch (General Service) of the Indian Navy for Jul 2009 Course.
Eligibility Conditions:
Age : Between 19 & 1/2 to 25 years (candidates to be born between 02 Jul 1984 to 01 Jan 1990; both dates inclusive)
Educational Qualifications : Any of the following (a) A Science Graduate with Physics & Mathematics with minimum 55% marks from a recognised university (b) M.Sc. with Physics or Mathematics with min. 55% marks (M.Sc.(Physics) shoud have Physics in graduation and M.Sc. (Physics) should have Physics in graduation (c) BE/B.Tech. with min. 55% marks in aggregate in any discipline (d) Scince Graduate (Physcis & Mathematics) from a recognised university holding NCC Naval Wing , Senior Div. 'C' Certificate can also apply (e) Graduate/Post Graduate in Operations Analysis and Operational Research/ Quantitative methods with minimum 75% marks. (f) Graduate/ Post Graduate in Mathematics with Probability or Statistics with minimum 75% marks
Physical Standards : Hight and Wieght : Minimum height Male - 157 cms with correlated weight. , Eye Sight : The minimum acceptable vision standard for distant vision 6/12, 6/12 correctable to 6/6, 6/6 with glasses. Should not be colour/night blind.
SSC : Short Service Commission is granted for a term of 10 years, extendable to 14 years, subject to service requirements and performance/willingness of the candidate.
How to Apply: Application Forms in accordance with the prescribed format and complete innall respects with superscription on the envelope “APPLICATION FOR SSC (GS) ‘X’ - JUL 2009 COURSE Qualification........ Percentage........% NCC Certificate ............ (If applicable)” are to be sent to the address given below by 21/09/2008.
Details and application form format are available http://www.nausena-bharti.nic.in/
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Government of India
(Ministry of Railways)
East Railway Colony, Bhopal-462010
Website : http://www.rrbhopal.gov.in/
Employment Notice No. 2/2008
Last date : 29/09/08 (for candidates from far flung areas : 14/10/08)
Applications from citizen of India Addressed to the Assistant Secretary Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), Bhopal in the prescribed format on or before 29/09/08 by ordinary post.
View http://www.rrbbhopal.gov.in/advertEnh022008.pdf for further detailed information and Application Form is available at http://www.rrbbhopal.gov.in/form.pdf . Applications on good quality white A-4 size on a single sheet of plain paper to be Addressed to The Assistant Secretary, Railway Recruitment Board, East Railway Colony, Bhopal - 462010. Fee payable is Rs. 60/- (Rs.40/- for salary Rs.3050-4590 and below) (no fee for SC/ST/Ex-Serviceman candidates) and IPOs and DDs drwan in favour of "Asstt. Secretary, Railway Recruitment Board, Bhopal". DD should be payable at Bhopal and IPO should be payable at "GPO Bhopal".
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Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up the following posts to. Applications should reach the Director of the Centre at the above address within 15 days of publication of the advertisement giving full particulars including Name, Father's name, Address, Date of Birth, Qualifications, Experience, Telephone No., Whether SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex-Serviceman and any other relevant information.
Applications must invariably be accompanied with attested copies of certificates, degrees, mark-sheets and testimonials in support of qualification, age, experience. Age relaxation as per Govt. of India rules.
Please visit www.nivh.in for more details.
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Application form and details about the posts are being posted on the website www.mmmec.net and filled in application form should be sent to the Registrar, Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College, Gorakhpur-273010 (UP) on or before 27/09/2008.
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Qualification : MBA/ MSW from a reputed institue like IRMS or TISS or Bachelor's degree in Veterinary Science/ Civil Engineering / Agriculture/ Dairy Science/ M.Com./ MA (Economics) from a reputed institute.
Age : Not more than 30 years. Relaxation for highly desirable candidates having good educational qualification and exceptional performance.
Recruitment initially for a years and can be extended for additional period of four years subject to good performance.
For more details and Application form please visit http://www.vanbandhukalyanyojana.gujarat.gov.in.
Application should be received in 15 days to dsag.recruitment@gmail.com only.
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Ministry of Home Affairs (Government of India)
Recruitment of Sub Inspector/GD (Male) and Constable/GD (Male&Female) Against Sports Quota
Applications are invited from Male and Female Indian Citizen for recruitment in ITBP against Sports Quota. Last date for receipt of applications is 30th September 2008 for all States except for Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahul & Spiti Distt. and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba Distt of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep for which last date is 15th October 2008.
Fee : Application Fee will be Rs. 50/- for candidates belonging to General and OBC category only in the form of DD/IPO The DD should be in favour of Commandant, 22nd Bn, ITBP payable at SBI, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-76 and IPO should be in favour of Commandant, 22nd Bn, ITB Police, Tigri Camp, PO Madangir, New Delhi-62.
How to Apply : Application in prescribed format with passports size photo in envelope super scribe in bold letter “ Application for the post of Constable (GD) in ITBP, Against Sports Quota” to The Commandant, 22nd Bn, ITB Police, Tigri Camp, PO Madangir, New Delhi-110062 on or before 30/09/2008.
For complete detail of the advertisement for information like selection process, eligibility criteria, how to apply, certificates to attach with application form and Application Form, Click here.
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Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Industrialisation (MGIRI)
( A National Institute under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)
Maganwadi, Wardha-442001, Maharashtra
Applications are invited for the following posts by MGIRI :
How to Apply : The applications in prescribed format with attested copies of certificates alongwith 2passport size photographs (full name be written on backside) should reach to the Director at the above address within 25 days (32 days for the candidates from far-flung areas)
Kindly visit http://www.mgiri.org/news/17_technitian.pdf for further details and application format.
How to Apply : The candidates should submit the application on prescribed format to Post Box No. 4552, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016 with in 30 days.
Please download http://governmentjob.googlepages.com/scientistEinaOrgn.pdf for details and application format.
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Age : 18-35 years. Relaxation as per rules.
How to Apply : The candidates should submit the application on prescribed format to Assistant Director (Admn.), NTRO, Block-3, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-110067 with in 30 days.
Please download http://governmentjob.googlepages.com/staffinaOrgn.pdf for details and application format.
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L.R.S. Institute of Tubeculosis and Respiratory Diseases (LRSITRD)
(Autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India)
Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110030
LRS Institute invites applications in the prescribed format for the following posts as mentioned below:
The details regarding qualification, experience and general terms & conditions, alongwith prescribed proforma for application are available at the LRS Institute website http://www.lrsitbrd.nic.in./ Last date for receipt of application form alongwith requisite fee is within 30 days
Walk-In-Interview :
Age, Educational qualifications, Experience and pay scale for S.No. 1-5:
The candidates for these posts may appear for Walk in Interview on 11th September 2008 at 2:30 PM alongwith application on plain paper with passport size photograph, attested copies of their educational qualifications and experience etc.
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(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)
Himachal Pradesh (HP) Public Service Commission (PSC)
Advertisement No. VII/2008
Department of Health and Family Welfare, HP
Fee : In the shape of Bank draft in favour of Secretary, H.P. Public Service Commission for Rs. 250/- only, (Rs.63/- for SC/ST/OBC of H.P.only), payable at Shimla to the Secretary ,HPPSC, Nigam Vihar , Shimla-171002 (HP). Ex-servicemen unless discharged at their own request before completion of normal tenure, are exempted from payment of application fee. Visually handicapped candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
Please view http://himachal.nic.in/hppsc/VacAugCollege.pdf for detailed information and application form.
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Industrialisation (MGIRI)
( A National Institute under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)
Maganwadi, Wardha-442001, Maharashtra
Applications are invited for the following posts by MGIRI :
How to Apply : The applications in prescribed format with attested copies of certificates alongwith 2passport size photographs (full name be written on backside) should reach to the Director at the above address within 25 days (32 days for the candidates from far-flung areas)
Kindly download http://governmentjob.googlepages.com/MgiriJobs.jpg for details. You may also visit http://www.mgiri.org/news/18_senior_technical.pdf for further details and application format.
Please visit http://www.wbsubregistration.org/announcement_1.php for details and application form.
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Application Fee : Candidates will have to pay a fee of Rs.500/- for Officer Grade and Rs.4OO/- for Non Officer grade by Demand Draft only in favour of 'KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN' payable at New Delhi.
Selection Procedure : KVS will hold written examinations for these posts.
How to Apply : Duly filled in application must reach at the following address latest by 23/09/2008 to :
Envelope containing the application must be super-scribed in bold letters as
Please visit http://kvsangathan.nic.in/rec-off-nt.pdf for all the information like instructions, application form, syllabus etc.
Application Fee : A Bank draft of Rs. 300/- (Rs.75/- for SC/ST/PH) drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, Pondicherry University payable at Puducherry.
How to Apply : Filled-in application form in prescribed format should reach the The Assistant Registrar (Admn) Pondicherry University, R.V. Nagar, Kalapet, Puducherry – 605 014 on or before 16/09/2008.
Please visit http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/circular/rectmnt110808.html for details and application form.(Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)
Requirement of Operator-cum-Technicians
IRCON INTERNATIONAL LTD, a PSU of the Ministry of Railways, is a premier construction company engaged in the construction of turnkey infrastructure projects in Railways, Highways, Buildings, Power sector, etc. IRCON invites applications for the following posts in Electrical discipline for posting in any of its Projects/ Offices the regular posts of Slip form Paver Operator for posting in any of its projects/offices:
Application Fee : Rs.300 for UR and OBC applicants (Rs.50/- from SC/ST) by DD drawn in favour of IRCON International Limited payable at New Delhi.
How to Apply : Application neatly typed on A-4 size paper in the prescribed format should be sent to General Manager / HRM, IRCON International Ltd., C-4, District Centre , Saket New Delhi-110017. The envelope containing the application should be clearly superscribed "Application for the post of Operator-cum-Technician – Advt. 08/2008”. Last Date for receipt of filled in applications is 13/09/2008.
Please http://ircon.org/tender.all/tender220808/08%20-%20Optr-cum-technician_08.pdf for more information and Application Format.
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National Institute of Oceanic Technology (NIOT)
Velacherry-Tambaram main road Narayanapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Advertisement No. 03/2008
How to Apply : Application should be sent to The Director, National Institute of Ocean Technology, Velachery – Tambaram Main Road, Pallikaranai, Chennai – 601302, INDIA on or before 26/09/2008
For more information like education, age, salary etc. and Application From format, please view http://niot.res.in/recruit/cv/application/NIOT-E&P-03-08/26-09-2008-adv.pdf
Recruitment of S&T Engineers
IRCON INTERNATIONAL LTD, a PSU of the Ministry of Railways, is a premier construction company engaged in the construction of turnkey infrastructure projects in Railways, Highways, Buildings, Power sector, etc. IRCON invites ONLINE applications for the following regular posts of S&T Engineers for posting in any of its Projects/ Offices in India or abroad:
Application Fee : Rs.300 for UR and OBC applicants (Rs.50/- from SC/ST) by DD drawn in favour of IRCON International Limited payable at New Delhi.
How to Apply : Apply Online and take printout of it and send it to Dy. General Manager / HRM, IRCON International Ltd., C-4, District Centre , Saket New Delhi-110017. Last Date for receipt of filled in applications is 06/09/2008.
Please http://ircon.org/tender.all/vacancy140808/07%20S&T%20Engineers-08_ON%20LINE.pdf for more information and Apply Online at https://portal.irconsap.com/.
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Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (RCFL)
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Administrative Building, Chembur, Mumbai - 400074
Age as on 01/08/2008 : Not exceeding 25 years in case of Engineering Graduates and candidates applying for disciplines in HR, HRD, Administration and Corporate Communication .
Not exceeding 27 years in case of Engineering Post Graduates and candidates with BSc and BE (Fire).
Stipend and Pay Scale : Selected candidates will be undergoing training for one year and will be offered a lumpsum stipend of Rs.17500/- per month. After successful completion of training they will be absorbed in the scale of pay of Rs.8600 – 250 –14600.
Application Fee : General & OBC candidates are required to pay a application processing fee of Rs.300/-- by a crossed Demand Draft drawn on State Bank of India, Commercial Branch, Swastik Park, Chembur, Mumbai 400071 (code No.4268) in favour of Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited. (enter the details of Demand Draft in the Online Application Form). The Name and Application number should be written on the back of Demand Draft.
How to Apply : Apply Online. Take a printout of the online application. The candidate will have to affix photograph on the printed application form, attach the Demand Draft etc., attested copy of caste/disability certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC/PWD, sign and send it by ordinary post to the Dy. General Manager (HR) Corporate, RCF Ltd., Administrative Bldg., Room No. 206, 2nd Floor, Mahul Road, Chembur, Mumbai-400074 by 20th September 2008.
Please visit http://www.rcfltd.com/website_red/recmt200808.html for all the details and Online Application submission.
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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay
Powai, Mumbai – 400076
Advertisement No. D-25/08-09
How to Apply : Last date for receipt of completed form to reach Registrar, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai – 400076 is 10th September, 2008 .
Please view http://www.iitb.ac.in/advaug26/Advertisement.pdf for more details. Application form is available at http://www.iitb.ac.in/advaug26/App_form.pdf and application form for Registrar is available at http://www.iitb.ac.in/advaug26/applicationform_for_Registrar.pdf
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How to Apply : The interested candidates may submit their detailed resume & application, along with recent passport size photograph & attested copies of relevant certificates /documents, along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- in favour of Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited, drawn on State Bank of India, Ambalamedu Branch (SC/ST/Ex-servicemen and persons with disabilities are exempted from payment of application fee) to The Chief Personnel & Administration Manager, Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd. P.O., Ambalamugal, Ernakulam District, PIN-682 302 Kerala State within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
Please visit http://www.hoclkochi.com/html/hocl_newsa.php for more information.Eligibility, salary, allowances as per AICTE/University norms. Interested candidates may collect Application Forms for Rs.650/- in cash personally or by sending a DD favouring "Registrar AAI-DU" payable at Allahabad. The completed application form must reach the Registrar office latest by 30th September, 2008.
For more information kindly visit http://www.aaidu.org/
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Indian Bank
Head Office, 66 Rajaji Salai, Chennai –600-001
Indian Bank invites applications from talented Sportspersons for Men’s team in Basketball, Cricket, Football, Hockey, and Volleyball for appointment in Officer and Clerical Cadre :
How to Apply : Application should be submitted only in the prescribed proforma with all particulars regarding educational qualification and Sports Achievements supported by relevant Certificates. Application should be sent in a separate cover superscribed “RECRUITMENT OF SPORTSPERSONS” to the following address:
Assistant General Manager
Indian Bank, Head Office, HRM Department
66, Rajaji Salai, Chennai 600 001
The application should reach the above address on or before 10/09/2008.
Please view http://www.indianbank.in/Recruitment_SportsPerson_250808_Adv.pdf for further details and application format is available at http://www.indianbank.in/Recruitment_SportsPerson_250808_App.pdf
Directorate of Distance Education
University College
University College of Education
K.U. P.G. Regional Centre, Jind
Jawahar Lal Nehru Library
Sports Department
Women Studies Research Centre
General Administration
University Institute of Engineering & Technology
Department of Electronic Science (M.Tech. Course)
Institute of Mass Communication & Media Technology
University College
Institute of Management Studies
Department of Management (MBA Hons. Course)
Institute of Law
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Fine Arts (BFA Course)
Directorate of Distance Education
B.Ed (Two years course)
How to Apply : Application Form complete in all respect should reach the Deputy Registrar (Estt.), Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra -136119, latest by 12/09/2008.
Please visit http://www.kukinfo.com/advt.htm for details.
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