Walk-In at NIHFW

nihfw National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW)
Munirka, New Delhi-110067

National Institute of Health & Family Welfare (NIHFW) is an Apex Technical Institute, funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for promotion of Health and Family Welfare programmes in the country through education, training, research, evaluation, consultancy and specialised services.

Applications are invited from the interested professionals as per details given below for appointment in the project purely on contract basis. Salary mentioned is consolidated amount.

  1. Senior Consultant-Technical
  2. Consultant (Medical)
  3. Consultant RO
  4. Accountant
  5. Computer Assistant

Appointments will be initially for 6 months, extendable further.

Interested and desirous persons may bring their CV on plain paper along with attested testimonials giving reference of the position applied for copies of qualifications and training etc.

Date of walk in interview

  1. for S.No. 1 - 3 is 05/05/2008 and
  2. S.No. 4-5 is 06/05/2008

Registration Time - 9.00 – 10.30 A.M., Interview - 11.00 A.M.

Please see document http://www.nihfw.org/pdf/AdvertisementRCH.doc for detailed information.

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