Vacancy at IIT Delhi

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16

Advt. No. E-II/02/2008 (E)
Applications, on the prescribed form, are invited from the Indian Nationals for regular / deputation appointment for the following posts :
  1. Deputy Registrar : 02 posts (UR-1,SC-1), Pay Scale : Rs.12000-18300/-
  2. Assistant Registrar : 01 post (UR), Pay Scale : Rs.8000-13500/-
  3. Junior Technical Superintendent (in various departments) : 04 posts (ST-1, OBC-3), Pay Scale : Rs.5500-9000/-
  4. Junior Accounts Officer : 01 post (UR-1), Pay Scale : Rs.5500-9000/-
  5. Junior Laboratory Assistant : 03 posts (UR-1, OBC-1,OH (PWD) -1), Pay Scale : Rs.3200-4900/-
  6. Assistant Coach : 01 post (OBC), Pay Scale : Rs.3200-4900/-

Application Fee : DD/IPO of Rs. 100/- for Group ‘A’ posts (i.e. for posts from sl. no. 01 to 02) and DD/IPO of Rs. 50/- for other posts should be enclosed (drawn in favour of Registrar, IIT Delhi payable at New Delhi).

Details of the advertisement are available at and application form is available at which can be downloaded by the candidates.

How to Apply : The candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may submit their application on the prescribed Application Form alongwith testimonials and latest passport size photograph to the Superintendent (Recruitment Cell), Room No. MZ-113), IIT Delhi, New Delhi - 110016. The last date for receipt of completed application form is 26/05/2008.

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