Faculty Vacancy in Dravidian University

drvidian Dravidian University
Srinivasavanam, Kuppam - 517425 (AP)

Dravidian University, established by the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh for promoting research in the integrated character of Dravidian Studies, facilitating a spirit of integration among the speakers of Dravidian Languages invites applications for the following positions from competent candidates who have aptitude and scholarship with proven performance in their area. All the posts carry UGC scales of pay and allowances as per the rules of Govt. of AP. Last date for submission of duly filled-in Application forms along with all necessary certificates is 11/04/2008.

Group –I

  1. Comparative Dravidian Literature and Philosophy : Professor-1, Asso. Prof-1(OC).
  2. Dravidian & Computational Linguistics : Asso. Prof-2(BC-C-1, OC-1), Asst. Prof-1(ST).
  3. Education & HRD: Asso. Prof-1(BC-A(W)), Asst. Prof-2(SC-1, ST(W)-1).
  4. English & Communications: Professor-1, Asso. Prof.(BC-B(W)), Asst. Prof-1(OC),
  5. Folklore & Tribal Studies: Asso. Prof-1(OC(W) PH).
  6. History, Archaeology & Culture: Professor, Asso. Prof-1(ST(W)),
  7. Kannada & Translation Studies: Professor-1, Asso. Prof-2(OC(W)-1, OC-1).
  8. Tamil & Translation Studies: Professor-1, Asso. Prof-2(OC(W)-1, SC-1), Asst Prof.(BC-A).
  9. Telugu & Translation Studies: Professor-1, Asso. Prof-1(BC-D(W)).

Group – II

  1. Computer Science: Asso. Prof-2 (OC(W)-1, SC(W)-1), Asst. Prof-1(BC-A(W)).


  1. Librarian (UGC)

For the posts in Sl. nos. 1, 2, 4,7, 8, and 9 besides the essential qualifications of M.A., Ph.D. in concerned disciplines with satisfactory research publications, it is essentially desirable to have (a) proven ability in translations and (b) fair knowledge of any other Dravidian Language. Other details are available along with the application form. 2. The rule of reservation shall be observed as per Govt. of A.P. rules.

The application form and other particulars can be had from the “REGISTRAR, DRAVIDIAN UNIVERSITY, SRINIVASAVANAM, KUPPAM-517 425 on payment of Rs. 250/- in person (Rs. 300/- by post) by crossed Demand Draft payable at Andhra Bank / State Bank of Mysore / Indian Bank / Canara Bank, Kuppam.

Please visit http://dravidianuniversity.ac.in/ for more information.

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