Job options at NIMHANS

National Institute Of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS)
(Deemed University)
Hosur Road, Bangalore- 560029, India

Advertisement No..NIMH/PER(6)/RECT/ADVT-(2)/2007-08

NIMHANS Invites applications for the following vacant posts, in the prescribed form from the Indian Nationals . Last date for receipt of filled-in application form is on or before 10/03/2008 .
  1. General Duty Medical Officer (Psychiatry) : 01 posts (OBC)
  2. Medical Superintendent (On Contract basis) : 01 post (UR)
  3. Chief Pharmacist : 01 post (UR)
  4. Speech Therapist : 01 (ST)
  5. Occupational Therapist (De-Addiction) : 01 post (OBC)
  6. Pharmacist : 01 post (UR)
  7. Junior Technician : 09 posts (ST-2, OBC-7)
  8. Radiographer : 02 post (UR)
  9. Orthotic Technician : 01 post (UR)
  10. Artist : 01 post (UR)
  11. Laundry Supervisor : 01 post (UR)
  12. Lecuturer (UG) (Nursing college) : 02 posts (UR)
  13. Clinical Instructor (UG) : 05 posts (UR-2, SC-1, ST-1, OBC-1)

How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed form along with Demand Draft for Rs.750/- (Rs. 500/- in case of SC,ST candidates) for Sl.No. 1 & 2 and Rs. 500/- (Rs. 300/-in case of SC/ST candidates) for Sl.No. 03 to 13 should reach the Director, NIMHANS, P.B.No.2900, Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560 029, India, on or before 10/03/2008.

The detailed information is available at and the Application Form is available at

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