Faculty Jobs at Telangana University

Telangana University, New Post Graduate Building, Giriraj Govt. College, Dubba, Nizamabad-503002 (AP)

Applications in the prescribed form, together with a Registration Fee of Rs. 200/- payable through Demand Draft only drawn in favour of the Registrar, Telangana University, Nizamabad, payable at Nizamabad, are invited for the following posts in the University Service, so as to reach the Registrar in person or by post by 5:00 P.M on or before 01/03/2008 :

  • Teaching Posts
    1. Applied Economics : 03 posts (Professor-1, Assistant Professor-2)
    2. English : 03 posts (Professor-1, Assistant Professor-2)
    3. Hindi : 03 posts (Professor-1, Assistant Professor-2)
    4. Law : 03 post (Professor-1, Assistant Professor-2)
    5. Urdu : 03 posts (Associate Professor-1, Assistant Professor-2)
    6. Applied Statistics : 03 posts (Professor-1, Assistant Professor-2)
    7. Pharmaceutical Chemistry : 03 posts (Professor-1, Assistant Professor-2)
  • Non-Teaching Posts
    1. Asst. Registrar : 01 post
    2. Superintendent : 02 posts
    3. Sr. Assistant : 02 posts

How to Apply : Prescribed application form along with the details of age, qualifications, and the relevant conditions etc., can be had from the Registrar, Telangana University, Dubba, Nizamabad – 503002 on payment of Rs.50/- in person or by post by sending a D.D. of Rs.75/- drawn in favour of Registrar, Telangana University, Dubba, Nizamabad – 503002 along with a self- addressed envelope. Applications Forms and details can also be downloaded from the University Website http://www.telanganauniversity.ac.in/ and the filled in forms are accepted with a registration fee of Rs. 250/- payable through Demand Draft only, drawn in favour of the Registrar, Telangana University, Dubba, Nizamabad – 503002 payable at Nizamabad on or before 01/03/2008.

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