Walk-In-Interview in BHU

VARANASI – 221005


Eleigible candidates, alongwith full Bio-data with a photograph affixed and photocopies of Certificates/Merk-sheets annexed to it, are requested to attend a Walk-In-Interview on 22/11/2007 at 8.00 AM in the Holkar House, BHU, Varanasi for appointment on Contractual basis for academic session 2007-2008 for the following posts in Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapur.

  1. Lecturer in Education (Sanskrit/ Hindi Teaching Method) for B.Ed. Course : Consistently good academic record with B+ Master Degree in Education. (ii) NET/SLET/ Ph.D. in Education. (iii) Master's degree in Sanskrit or Hindi with 50% marks and Hindi & Sanskrit at graduate level.
  2. Lecturer in Hospital Administration : MBA/ Master Degree in Hospital Management.
  3. Remuneration : Rs.15000/- PM fixed.

Candidates should submit their Bio-Data on or before 22/11/2007 in the office of the Recruitment & Assessment Cell, Holkar House, BHU & bring their original certificates for varification at the time of interview.

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