How to Stretch Your High Heels by Beckie Yoon

Ever bought shoes that were just a half a size smaller than you and becomes a discomfort to wear? Or maybe the shoes that you absolutely adore on sell only have a size that is half a size smaller than your feet. No matter what the reason is, there are many ladies out there who find themselves with the troubling obstacle of wearing footwear that may be ½ a size too small. Now, if it's only half a size too small, and your shoes are made out of leather, you can generally stretch your shoes to better fit your feet.

One of the easier ways is to get one of those wooden shoe stretchers, and place them in place so that it would stretch the shoes. Keep in mind that it may not be a good fit, and may even wreck your shoes if not done properly. Otherwise, it may not be strong enough, and not give good effects. It is still something that is well worth putting into consideration. Generally you should be able to find those sole stretchers at a shoe store nearby. Most of the time, they're made of wood, and the price of it may be expensive depending on what you're looking at. Mind you, the shoes will stretch to the wood, and it may not fit your soles exactly; thus, it is important to look for something you believe is a close replica to the size, and shape of your feet.

A cheaper and easier way of stretching shoes is to freeze a bag of water in a Ziploc bag. When the water is frozen, place it in the shoe to slowly thaw out. As the water thaws out, it will push the shoes, and help it stretch. Not only is this way quite powerful, and effective, it is also quite cheap in stretching shoes. After all, what's cheaper than Ziploc bag and water fresh from the tap? Stretching your shoes this way will help stretch it all the way around.

Lastly, I have never tried out this way before myself, but if you have leather shoes you can try blow-drying it, and place your feet in as it is a bit toasty. Apparently, the hot air will help mold the shoes to fit perfectly onto your feet. You can place a bigger wooden shoe stretcher, and try to stretch it out as well.
There are many ways of stretching shoes that you can do by yourself at home. It is important to make sure that you know what you're doing though. Being able to stretch shoes half a size will help a lot of ladies with purchasing shoes. Don't let the size of your shoes limit whether or not you can purchase it or not. If the shoe is the right size, but you may need a bit of stretching in a specific area, you can also try these methods to see. After all, if it's high heels we're talking about, it is important that it fits well on your feet, and are comfortable... or as comfortable as it can get.
Article source: ACassociatedcontent
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