Sub Inspector Jobs in CRPF

Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
Ministry of Home Affairs / Govt. of India

Applications are invited from Male Indian citizens to fill up vacancies in following ranks in Central Reserve Police Force, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India in the pay scale mentioned against each .


  1. Sub Inspector ( Radio Operator) : 29 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5500-175-9000/-, Qualification : Graduation or degree from a recognized University with Maths and Physics compulsorily while third subject could be Statistics/Computer Science/ Chemistry., Age : Between 20 and 25 years.
  2. Sub Inspector ( Crypto) : 08 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5500-175-9000/-, Qualification : Graduation or degree from a recognized University with English and Maths and Matric with English, Maths and Science., Age : Between 20 and 25 years.
  3. Sub Inspector (Technical) : 10 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5500-175-9000/-, Qualification : Bachelor degree in Engineering in Telecomn. or Electronics or Computer Science or Qualified A.M.I.E. or Graduate I.E.T.E., Age : Between 20 and 25 years.
  4. Asstt. Sub Inspector (Technical) : 69 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 4000-100-6000/-, Matric with English Maths and Science with three years Diploma in Radio Engineering or Electronics or Computers. Preference will be given to those trained in Software/ Hardware of computers. Or B.Sc. Degree with Physics, Mathematics and English., Age : Between 18 and 25 years.
  5. Asstt. Sub Inspector (Draughtsman) : 03 posts, Rs.4000-100-6000/-, Qualification : Matric with English, Science, Maths and two years Diploma in Draughtsman Course from Industrial Training Institute. , Age : Between 18 and 25 years.

Application Fee : Application fee will be Rs.50/- per candidate belonging to General and OBC category and no fee will be charged from SC/ST candidates. The candidates to attach Crossed Indian Postal Order (Non-refundable) drawn in favour of COMMANDANT, __________ SIGNAL BN, CRPF as applicable, payable at GPO of respective location of Signal Battalion where the application is sent .

How to Apply : Candidates can apply for only one category post. No candidate is eligible to apply for more than one category of post. Candidates of respective States/UTs should apply to concerned Recruiting Centre/ Signal Battalion of CRPF under which their State/UT covered as given above, in the prescribed proforma duly type written (or) neatly hand written and Photostat copies of the certificates duly attested by a Gazetted Officer to the Commandant, of respective Signal Bn, CRPF, as applicable . Last date od receipt of application is 24/12/2007.

See for more information like selection procedure, recruitment centres, address of recruitment zones and application form.

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