Project Manager in AYUSH

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH)
(Department of AYUSH)

Appointment of Project Managers in the Department of AYUSH for implementation of Central Sector Schemes.

Applications are invited for appointed of four Project Managers in the Department of AYUSH, MOHFW for implementation of newly launched Central Sector Schemes to be implemented during the 11th Plan period.

  1. Project Manager @ Rs.20000/- PM consolidated : 3 posts (for implementation of the schemes of Center of Excellence, Local Health Traditions, Public Health Initiatives, Extra Mural Research and Golden Triangle Project), Qualification : Graduate in any stream of AYUSH / Pharmacy/ Bio-Chemistry/ Microbiology/ Bio-technology with word processing skills and at least one year experience in the research/ project management in a relevant field. Preference will be given to those who have worked as GRF/SRF or in similiar capacity in public research instutions.
  2. Project Manager @ Rs.20000/- PM consolidated : 1 post (for implementation of the scheme of Acuisition, Cataloguing, Dizitisation and Publication of Text Books and Manuscripts), Qualification : MCA with experience in IT Applications in Health Sector.
  3. Age : Applications should be less than 40 years of age.

Application should reach to the following address by 22/11/2007

S.D. Sharma
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Room No. 204, IRCS Annexe Building,
Red Cross Road, New Delhi - 110001

in the following format

  1. Name
  2. Address with telephone no.
  3. Date of Birth
  4. Educational Qualification
  5. Experience

documentary evidence in respect of the above should be enclosed.

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